
joined 7 months ago
[–] lemmeee@sh.itjust.works 1 points 4 months ago (2 children)

“Piracy” is a propaganda term. We shouldn’t use it. There is nothing wrong with sharing files.

[–] lemmeee@sh.itjust.works 1 points 4 months ago

You are right about teenagers, but on the other hand not all people are the same. For some reason we've decided that they are competent to make those kinds of decisions and to do other things like driving a car. So even though they are not adults, we don't think of them as children either. There is probably no simple answer to this question, though.

[–] lemmeee@sh.itjust.works 1 points 5 months ago

That's great! It's still a bit disappointing that so many people decided to stay on Reddit, though. They made a big protest just for everything to go back to normal.

[–] lemmeee@sh.itjust.works 0 points 5 months ago (2 children)

Thanks for the answer. So it's not really about the age gap itself? You just think that the age of consent should be 16 or higher? Or is it both?

14 is too young in most cases. 16… I could probably start debating in that.

Is it possible that you are thinking that, because age of consent is very high in your country? I imagine that people who live for example in Germany, where age of consent is 14, might not think the same. In most of Europe it's 14-16. In some countries teenagers can even get an abortion.

[–] lemmeee@sh.itjust.works 0 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (4 children)

When I read your story originally I remember that I had mixed feelings. But lately I've been reading some of the lies that RMS haters tell about him and his views on sex. Reading his blog posts changed my mind about some things and now I've realised that you were right and that RMS has a similar opinion.

Richard Stallman was criticised for saying that it's normal for teenagers (Stallman defines them as people that are at least 14 years old) to have sex with adults. He believes that the laws that call sex with children or teenagers "rape" are dishonest and that the definition of rape shouldn't depend on someone's age. His haters criticised him for that too, but your story shows how crazy such laws are.

When he made that statement about pedophilia, I think he was just trying to extend the rights that teenagers normally have onto children (Stallman defines them as people that are 13 years old or younger). I think that he meant well and he really didn't realise that pedophilia is harmful.

Still, if he’s talking about cases like mine, yes, I can get onboard with that. But with an age gap of 10+ years, no, I really can’t.

I've been thinking about the age gap argument and that's also something his haters like to point out. I think Stallman doesn't believe that an age gap itself is wrong. So I'm curious why do you think it's wrong? I couldn't think of a logical reason and I realised that I'm unable to define what the acceptable age gap should be. Because as you pointed out, big age gaps seem weird even when both people are adults:

My mom was almost 20 years younger than my dad m, but she was 27 and he was 46. That may seem weird, but both of them are adults.

This is unusual, but it's not wrong. So why would big age gaps be wrong for a teenager and an adult? After all we accept that teenagers should be able to have control over their own bodies (at least in most of Europe and most of US). So shouldn't it be their decision?

Sorry for posting such a long comment on an old post. I just realised how insane the whole hate campaign against RMS was, because he is right about most of the things he was criticised for.

[–] lemmeee@sh.itjust.works 10 points 6 months ago (1 children)

They don't know they don't have freedom.

[–] lemmeee@sh.itjust.works 1 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

AMD is catching up now. There are still performance differences, but they are probably not as big in the latest generation.

[–] lemmeee@sh.itjust.works 2 points 6 months ago

It's funny, because people who defend DRM also use this argument. They are happy with the service, so they don't mind losing freedom. They can't understand that they could have both.

[–] lemmeee@sh.itjust.works 1 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

I see this a lot in discussions about climate change lately: country X is polluting just as much or more than us so we shouldn't do anything. This argument makes no sense.

[–] lemmeee@sh.itjust.works 2 points 6 months ago

Uses Godot.
Makes a proprietary game.

[–] lemmeee@sh.itjust.works -1 points 6 months ago

I get that proprietary software and DRM is a general problem, and Steam is part of that problem, but completely getting rid of that is simply a battle for another time, further in the future. The first battle is to get Windows users abandon their Microsoft/Apple cages, and that’s a win that’s actually within reach now.

The free software movement was started 40 years ago. We can't just give up now. How many years should we wait? People are only becoming more dependent on computers and our problems keep getting worse. Windows users have been able to abandon it many years ago, but they don't care about freedom.

Windows also becomes worse by itself, further accelerating the change.

I had the same feeling about 10 years ago, but users of proprietary software are willing to take a lot of abuse. It's almost impressive how stubborn they are. This includes users of Reddit, Twitter, Apple and others. I don't think Microsoft will lose any significant amount of users just by abusing them more, and when it comes to features, Windows is improving lately.

That’s important, because running a proprietary OS is still much worse than running some proprietary applications or games on a free OS. A closed OS completely shifts control away from the user, leaving only what the developer allows you to do, and it allows the dev to always push his or her agenda by favoring applications from the same developer, and allowing the developer to establish proprietary APIs and libraries like DirectX which was problematic for the competition for quite some time.

I agree that more freedom is better, but if people don't understand the end goal, they will keep making the same mistakes. SteamOS is proprietary. Most of the popular GNU/Linux distros have proprietary software in their repositories. On mobile I see people switching from proprietary Android to proprietary Sailfish OS. They just keep falling in the same traps over and over again. Steam is one of those traps. If GNU/Linux became mainstream on desktop today, I have no doubt that it would be a proprietary distro. Then it will be only a matter of time before it turns into something even more proprietary like Windows. Because why wouldn't it?

A regular user does not understand the ethics behind closed and open source and will never choose a worse free option over a better proprietary one. That either means the free options must become true rivals, or - which is the easier goal for now - the proprietary apps have to run on Linux just as well as people are used to.

That's why we must explain it to them. Some will listen and others will not, but there is nothing else we can do. We are doing our best to rival the proprietary apps, but it's a battle we've been fighting for 40 years. There will always be something missing and even if there isn't, it will always be inconvenient to switch from something you already know. Reddit users could switch to Lemmy, but they won't. If at some point they decide to switch to some other proprietary alternative, that will not fix their problem. It will be only a matter of time before the other company or developer starts abusing them too.

A “war” isn’t being won all at once instantly, but by winning several smaller battles after one another. Which takes time.

I know, but if we make compromises on our freedom, we will never keep it. The companies that make proprietary software will not let us. They could make money from developing libre software instead, but they don't have to, because our society thinks non free software is fine.

[–] lemmeee@sh.itjust.works -1 points 6 months ago (2 children)

I wasn't disregarding Valve's contributions to free software. I'm glad to hear that they have contributed so much and I would like to read more about them if you have the links. They deserve to be praised for that, but it doesn't cancel out all the bad things that they've been doing for many years. Microsoft (for example) contributes to free software too, but at the same time they take away their user's freedom. Valve deserves criticism for this just like Microsoft deserves criticism for the unethical things that they are doing. It's awesome that Valve is contributing to a good cause in the last few years, but look how much freedom they have taken away from us.

It seems very important to you that people use GNU/Linux, but if they will be using Steam and other proprietary software, how is that better than them using Windows? They still won't be able to control their own computers, so what's the point? The goal isn't to have people leave one proprietary ecosystem to become trapped in another. The goal is for them to have freedom. I want to live in a free society. The only way to make that happen is to destroy proprietary software. So as long as Valve makes non free software and takes away their user's freedom with DRM, they are our enemy. Just like Microsoft, Apple, Google and any other company that does the same.

It seems that your goal is to have the most features, but the goal of GNU/Linux and the free software movement is to have freedom - something that Valve doesn't want their users to have.

GOG's client is proprietary, which is terrible, but at least it's not required and there is a libre alternative - Heroic Games Launcher (it works on GNU/Linux too).

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by lemmeee@sh.itjust.works to c/linuxhumor@lemmy.ml

cross-posted from: https://sh.itjust.works/post/15970074


  • popularized DRM on PC
  • killed the used games market on PC
  • bans people for selling their Steam account
  • contributed to popularizing microtransactions, loot boxes and Battle Pass
  • forces you to run a proprietary app to play your games
  • forces updates on you
  • pretends they invented Wine
  • ships devices with a proprietary SteamOS
  • forces devs to use proprietary libraries to use Steam's features

Yes uncle Gaben more of that please!!!


Running dmesg on PinePhone reveals that idiot firmware is bored.

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