
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

I think this is it more or less.

It felt like fun freedom to have a communicative realm with no rules, guidelines, morals at all. But in hindsight I guess it was fine for me because I had a moral compass and intellect so mad-max-land allowed me to re-explore my limits and opinions on my own, like from point zero, without preexisting structure (wich is always present if there is any decency).

For some, apparently, that was not fine. Like they didn't catch themselves in the freefall of morals and epistemology that comes with the 4chan credo of "everything here fake and foolish...". Or maybe it's that some don't have a corrective social realm outside 4chan, able to get them back to the ground. And those ones overtook. (Maybe cause the other ones are done playing edge walk after a while).

Tl;dr: had fun, learned some, feel a bit bad now

[–] 7 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Diesel-pilled, lane maxing Good words thx 4 lels

[–] 1 points 7 months ago

Hehe. Ja also eigentlich darfst du grundsätzlich installieren was du willst. Auch Löcher bohren darfst du beliebig. Ich meine sogar, du bist nichtmal mehr verpflichtet die am Ende zu stopfen. (Was aber sonst auch sehr einfach und billig ist) Das Ding kommt an dieselben Anschlüsse wie eine normale Glühbirne. Neuere Häuser haben da wohl noch Erdung, bei mir gabs das nicht. Da musste ich dann Kurzschließen, aber das is ziemlich egal, weil nur die Gefahr besteht, dass im Falle eines Gerätdefektes das Gehäuse unter Strom stünde. Und das ist ja bekanntlich an der Decke verschraubt aka außer Reichweite.

[–] 5 points 8 months ago (4 children)

Ein Deckenventilator. Monatelang hin und herüberlegt. Am ende 140 ausgegeben für einen hübschen und großen mit Leuchte und "extraleise". Im Winter geil weil lüften schneller geht. (Rauche im Zimmer und merke direkt wenn die Luft nicht hanz ausgetauscht is) Im Sommer geil weil geil.

[–] 3 points 8 months ago (1 children)

A factor might be that no one likes to be remembered theyre soon to die..

[–] 10 points 8 months ago

It is deeply inspiring what this oevre tells us about the dialectics of meaning developing between a post and it's audience. Even with no inherent meaning the picture unfurls the deepest human desire to connect and to form communities, especially in disconnecting times and virtual places of refuge from it.

No I'm not going back to reddit. I will stand with you, withstanding the most selfreferential, the most empty, in hope of a we to fill that void.

[–] 4 points 8 months ago (1 children)

What is it that makes the tanks explode? Mines? Or smth air-?

[–] 2 points 9 months ago

Into the ether - franc moody

[–] 9 points 9 months ago

Clearly visible he was exquisitely good of a boy. May his goodness subsist in his pack.

[–] 10 points 9 months ago (1 children)

You are now our linguistic vanguard.

[–] 3 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Just gonna use this to not offtopic everyone: How come I can sometimes not see up/downvotes but only that global score in the upper right corner?

[–] 0 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Nice, thank you. NCD though? Non cummunicable disease? Non convergent discourse?

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