
joined 2 years ago
[–] jjjalljs@ttrpg.network 14 points 1 day ago

Good. Escalate further. I want to see musk sobbing in fear before the lights go out of his eyes.

[–] jjjalljs@ttrpg.network 18 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Yeah, wake me up when they start arming and actually resisting.

Rallies are fine but they're not enough. Conservatives need to be removed from power.

The capitalist systems that created this living hell need to be dismantled. We shouldn't settle for homeless people on the street whole the ultra wealthy have private yachts and multiple mansions.

[–] jjjalljs@ttrpg.network 7 points 1 day ago (1 children)

I pray that Saint Luigi will visit some of these groups.

[–] jjjalljs@ttrpg.network 35 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Hoping for more visitations from Saint Luigi upon certain people. Shit is bad out here.

[–] jjjalljs@ttrpg.network 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Been doing the job search and it's frustrating how bad most of the job postings are. There's so much filler nonsense.

I pretty much just want to know like

  • tech stack
  • team size
  • big picture what the company does
  • if they're assholes about in-office mandates
  • salary range

Some postings are like "must know Java, go, JavaScript, Ruby, Python, or rust" and I'm like do you use all of those?

[–] jjjalljs@ttrpg.network 2 points 1 week ago

It's going to bother me forever that, even if we do get some sort of new deal, the people who shit up the world will never really be made to pay for it. Like, one time Facebook tried to see if they could just make people sad by changing the feed algorithm. And yet no one hanged for that mass cruelty, and no one ever will. Energy companies pollute the air and water, lie about the facts and consequences, and then are never put up against the wall and shot. It's unfair. It's not right. Little new deal changes to raise minimum wage or provide mandatory maternity leave are good, but they're not enough to account for the crimes and injustice.

The people who shit up the world should pay. In money, in time, or in blood. But if they skate free, that's another insult and injury on top of everything else.

[–] jjjalljs@ttrpg.network 0 points 1 week ago

Stop going to nazi bars.

[–] jjjalljs@ttrpg.network 5 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

I see a lot of posts for typescript, but every job also says 100+ applicants. Job market is not looking good

Plus all these places want people to go into the office just-because

[–] jjjalljs@ttrpg.network 0 points 2 weeks ago

I saw "No Men" play a tiny show and it's still one of my favorites. They put on a great show and also they were super friendly with everyone in the crowd. I saw them another time after at a bigger venue and they even remembered me and my friend.

[–] jjjalljs@ttrpg.network -1 points 2 weeks ago

This topic is one of the things that brings up how people are emotional first, and sometimes only.

Like, I'll point out all the problems with golf, and all the better things we could use the space and resources for, and the pro-golf person will respond with "but i like it" as if that means a fucking damn thing.

The fact that some people "like" golf is not enough to justify the poor use and allocation of resources.

(Yes, I realize I'm holding onto a years old argument I had with a peer and that's not especially healthy. But I feel like this argument comes up all the time. I'll be like "We can't keep building for cars-first. It's bad for the environment, bad for the neighborhoods, bad for the economy, bad for the people in the cars" and they'll just go "But I like my car" as if that refutes anything at all)

[–] jjjalljs@ttrpg.network -1 points 2 weeks ago

I meant how in poe1 and 2 might (the stat) is 3% more damage per point, so it's hard to feel the difference between might 10 and might 15. Does +15% of 10 damage make a meaningful difference? It's probably the same as +12%, right, or is there decimal damage too? I guess when multiplied by power levels it's a bigger deal, but that's kind of opaque.

Also "like proficiency bonuses on crack" is deeply funny to me as someone who played DND 3e. Base attack bonus every level, skill ranks up every level, oh so many memories and not all of them good.


I tried it a bit with my reaper in pve and it seemed okay, but I wasn't doing anything challenging that really put it to the test. I haven't tried the others classes yet.


Like I saw one that was titled "I wonder why rule" and had a picture about overpaid CEOs or something.

Why "rule"? What's the origin of this format?

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