
joined 11 months ago
[–] jackpot@lemmy.ml 0 points 2 months ago (4 children)

warning to all, this guy does nothing but spread russian propaganda all day. check their post history.


i have a bunch of .m4a files in one folder, 1000s. can i automate their conversion somehow?

[–] jackpot@lemmy.ml 0 points 3 months ago (1 children)

then add to it genius???

[–] jackpot@lemmy.ml 2 points 3 months ago

Oh it was awfully worded, for the Care Amendment they changed 'endeavour to ensure' to 'strive to support' when it came to the government offering child welfare and the disabled. Yeah, sexist language was removed but at what cost.

For the Family Amendment, families based on 'marriage' became '...marriage or durable relationships'. What the fuck is a durable relationship? Am I now in a relationship with my mate cause we rent an apartment together? If they leave, will there be a divorce? (Hyperbolic but you get the gist). Weirdly enough, we would've inadvertently became the first Western nation to legally recognise polyamory.

Both of the amendments set out to solve real issues: *Sexism (Care) and not recognising single parent households (Family).

*The Care one only used sexism as a trojan horse to gut welfare. You could have easily worded it to get rid of the sexist langauge without slyly trying to screw over disabled people (there's a case in SCOTI (Supreme Court of Ireland) that is deciding this soon). (However, weirdly this only protects women carers, read it yourself).

The amendments were shite and every party besides one small left-wing one rejected them before the vote shockingly.

Now, ultra-right wing nuts are trying to frame it as Ireland 'protecting traditional values' by saying women are in fact homemakers and all of that implied 'they belong in the kicthen' crap, and how 'marriage is sacred'. It's a real shame, cause the ideas were sound themself but written so badly we had to shoot them down and now the everyone in the government is playing the blame game.


So, both lost by an overwhelming no. The problem is we voted no not because the ideas were bad (recognising single parent families, removing sexist language) but because the wording was bad. However, far right nuts who hold not a single seat in our 'parliament' are acting like we voted no because the Irish people all agree with them and their sexist shite. Sucks.

[–] jackpot@lemmy.ml 4 points 3 months ago (1 children)

would that even move anyone, how much influence does mcconell have?

[–] jackpot@lemmy.ml 1 points 3 months ago

woudl that move anyone?


hes resigning, hes the minority leadwr and he hasnt spoken to trump since dec. 2020. any thoughts he'll side with dems to fuck him?o

[–] jackpot@lemmy.ml 1 points 4 months ago

waif can a non-profit run a for a profit??

[–] jackpot@lemmy.ml 1 points 4 months ago
[–] jackpot@lemmy.ml 1 points 4 months ago (1 children)

im arguing against securitt thrpugh obscuriry, we're on the same side

[–] jackpot@lemmy.ml 2 points 4 months ago

ahhh, so ted cruz did do something good

[–] jackpot@lemmy.ml 1 points 4 months ago (1 children)

get the edge version if youre running new hardware and use the update manager the second you first boot

[–] jackpot@lemmy.ml 1 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Also why do we need to advertise? More users doesn't mean anything

this is why we dont have adobe, or so much else. proper nvidia support? drivers?

[–] jackpot@lemmy.ml 1 points 4 months ago (1 children)

im confused, whats the thought experiment here?

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by jackpot@lemmy.ml to c/linux@lemmy.ml

Linux needs to grow. Stop telling people it's 'tech-y' or acting like you're more advanced for using it, you are scaring away people. Linux Mint can be used by a senile person perfectly.

Explain shortly the benefits, 'faster, more secure, easier to use, main choices of professionals and free'. Ask questions that let you know if they need to dual boot, 'do you use Adobe, anti-cheat games, or Microsoft Office', 'how new is your computer', 'do you use a Mac'.

And most importantly, offer to help them install.

They don't understand the concept of distros, just suggest Linux Mint LTS Cinnamon unless they're curious.

That's it, spread Linux to as many people as possible. The larger the marketshare, the better support we ALL get. We can fight enshittification. Take the time to spread it but don't force it on anyone.

AND STOP SCARING PEOPLE AWAY. Linux has no advertising money, it's up to us.

Offer family members or friends your help or copy and paste the below

how to install linux: 1) copy down your windows product key 2) backup your files to a harddrive 3) install the linux mint cinnamon iso from the linux mint website 4) use etcher (download from its website) to put the iso on a usb flash drive 5) go into bios 6) boot from the usb 7) erase the storage and install 8) press update all in the update manager 9) celebrate. it takes 15 minutes.


and if someone is at the level of ignorance (not in a derogatory fashion) that they dont know what a file even is genuinely dont bother unless theyre your parents cause youll be tech support for their 'how do i install the internet' questions.


hey all, if you see a cool game check if it's on flathub and if not make a request


it seems absurd to me, donald wouldnt be doing this for no reason. is blackmail at play or what???


hi all, noob at this. are code editors just notepad but with text highlighting, file opening, and interpreters which you use a terminal application to execute?


do you know that minecraft mod that autosorts your inventory? is there are project that can autosort a messy file system and put all of your files of a similar nature into a well organised, well named order. obviously this would require ai that could do image, language, and audio recognition but is there anything in the works? i can imagine this would speed up distrohopping by 10x. ai powered file management


hi all, i tried installing through apt and got an older 0.6.4 and i tried installing through an appimage but for some reason nvchad didnt accept it. also what is nerdfonts and is that the default for linux mint? been at this for an hour and am very confused

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