
joined 1 year ago

Noki loves a good belly rub

[–] jaamesbaxterr@lemmy.world 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

His full name is Scooter Bug, because when he was a kitten he would incessantly bug the other cats. Here's him as a kitten


Bandit and Scooter


Scooter sprawled out. Bandit cozy in his gated bed under the chair.


Scooter going through it.


Raise your hand if you have any questions. Lol

[–] jaamesbaxterr@lemmy.world 74 points 1 month ago (6 children)

Noki sleeping just outside the bed


Scooter bug


Scooter was holding Bandit still and cleaning his face. Felt like this pic was pretty well timed


Scooter and Bandit


So Scooter started peeing in places he shouldn't. We had him checked for UTI and that came back negative. Vet said his last four teeth were showing redness around the gums and that could be causing him pain and explain the peeing. So we got the teeth pulled, and all was well for about 5 days. Then he started holding his jaw open kinda weird right before his checkup... Turns out his lower jaw had broken, likely because of the extraction weakening the bone where the tooth used to sit. Ok, another surgery to wire the lower jaw back together. We had a vacation planned and he would barely eat for the pet sitter so he lost 2lbs and got an infection because the medicine was in the food that he wouldn't eat. Once we got home and took him for a shot of antibiotics and steroids, he bounced back and is now eating with a vengeance and the infection cleared up overnight. He had been drooling and it was matting his fur but after I cleaned him up and got him the shots, he's looking happy and healthy and no longer drooling. Wire comes out next Monday and hopefully this will be the end of all his troubles.

Toof (lemmy.world)

Bandit flashing that toofer

[–] jaamesbaxterr@lemmy.world 2 points 3 months ago

I love that your cited source is your wife.

[–] jaamesbaxterr@lemmy.world 49 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (15 children)

I built a $2000 PC during the early pandemic days. Now I sit on my bed 5 feet away from that PC and play steam deck.

[–] jaamesbaxterr@lemmy.world 1 points 7 months ago

Oddly enough, all three of my cats love belly rubs and never spring the trap. Lol

[–] jaamesbaxterr@lemmy.world 4 points 7 months ago

Hahaha. So about 5 min after I took the picture one of them readjusted and that set off a chain reaction. Noki jumped up, Bandit hissed at him and then Scooter jumped up to chase Noki. I was able to pin Scooter to the couch and avoid any further violence. 😂

[–] jaamesbaxterr@lemmy.world 68 points 7 months ago

Anti-antifa... That's just fascism with extra steps.

[–] jaamesbaxterr@lemmy.world 2 points 8 months ago

Yeah, there are still occasional bouts but nothing that sounds like a back alley cat brawl anymore. I think at this point Scooter just doesn't understand when Noki doesn't want to play so it'll escalate to some hissing and maybe a chase.

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