When is a door not a door?
Based on the first 50% of your post, I would like to be your friend.
I have no opinion, positive or negative, on the second 50% - except that I support the dissemination of accurate information.
So I have the British to thank for me looking so cool as a teenager?
I don't check this account very often, so apologies for the delayed response.
Three days ago, you said you were getting assessed "today." What did the assessment entail? If you're comfortable sharing (and it sounds like you will be), what were the results? In the subsequent two days, have you felt liberated (regardless of diagnosis)?
Thank you very much for your answer (both the one you already posted and any follow-up).
It would be nice to know. I'm long out of school, so the only potential real impact on my life is socialization and fortunately I don't need to worry about that too much.
I will do some research and appreciate your input.
Fair enough, thank you. Whatever form of neurodivergence I have, I am fortunate that it does not regularly cause problems. I appreciate the answer!
That makes sense. Thank you for the answer.