No, unless stability is very little change.
Have you read the article?
What are the chances the person who called the police was over the age of 60?
100% he is.
I thought this was James Corden
And potato in your favourite form* haha
They're a blank canvas you can do whatever with, they're basically pancake batter cooked at high temperature in a cupcake tray.
By themselves they have a slight savoury flavour but you can do whatever with.
In the UK they're called Yorkshire Puddings where they're common eaten with roast beef/pork/chicken/etc with gravy and various vegetables and mashed potato.
Definitely a fantastic addition to a meal.
Yeah, it's not global coverage but they do have channels in select countries.
I mean, while that's fair, they cover worldwide as well, I'd say most of the news they cover is worldwide.
I find a blog is something I won't self host since my homelab is mostly a dev environment and with that it isn't super available.
However I do recommend github pages and use some jekyll theme.
Other than that, you can always self host Hugo or Ghost, although when I tried that I always found I ran into issues.
I tried on 3 widely separated occasions and still found issues so maybe it's a problem with me or my environment.
Either way, people seem to mention those two so I'd recommend them if you want to selfhost, if not, github pages.
Yeah makes complete sense, cheers I'll check that link out!
I basically did the same, picked up a 12U rack and a Dell R220 as my PfSense box.
Been so stable and can handle anything.