So I just want to say I moved over to bazzite on my main machine and honestly it's been a great experience and very easy to install once the drivers are bundled in the install.
Cool. I guess I won't be buying it then and will simply sail the seas when I finally feel like playing it after all the games I bought on steam and gog.
During his “Face the Nation” appearance, Kelly said that when it comes to TikTok, he is worried about “their ability to manipulate … the population of the United States, especially in time of a conflict.”
Okay, then let's talk about the shithole formerly known as Twitter then too as well as Facebook and other social media platforms.
This is absolutely 3dfx level of screwing over consumers and all about just faking frames to get their "performance".
If the Republicans have the votes to get this alcoholic, unqualified, sexual deviant into the position then fine, let them do it on their own.
It would be absolutely stupid for any Democrat to cast a single vote for those or any other unqualified Trump appointee AMD sets the tone for being capitulating jackasses that will continue to lose their base.
I wonder how many Democrats will be joining these shit Republicans in putting this completely unqualified and sexual abuser into a leadership position?
Yeah, I do, because this isn't about the continued enshitification of streaming services and shitty shows, it's about blatant corruption.
Fuck, I cannot believe Americans can be this God damn stupid.
Too damn bad that's not how democracy works. You'll take what the idiots give us.
They absolutely did vote for this and sat on their asses and also didn't vote and voted for this.
Fuck you Americans, you wanted it, now we all get your shitty choices.
Built a new computer in anticipation of tariffs and decided to plunge int o Linux gaming with Bazzite. So far so good with proton, just missing a few things like being able to turn off LED's and keyboard macros with the windows software and hoping I can get away with no dual booting this year.
So instead of developers taking time to actually do ray tracing right, ray tracing that people keep saying makes developers development easier and better we're letting them be lazy, produce unoptimized, crappy ray tracing games and relying on proprietary hardware locked software to make it look okay.
Not exactly what is call a great direction for this tech in my opinion and not ready for it to be required in games.