
joined 1 year ago
[–] 4 points 1 month ago

Honest quetion, how/where are drivers license photos saved? Is saving photos at the state level more or less secure than saving at the federal level? Also, the TSA supposedly just uses scans to speed up and more accurately verify, and claims not to save the scans (for now). If they wanted a database of everyone's face scan, couldn't they just subpoena every state's DMV/tag-agency for license photos?

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

Another okay option I just stumbled on is Viewnior. The only thing it lacks is webp file support.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago

Thanks for confirming that you're seeing the same thing. Must be a bug.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago

Ahh that's good to know. I had no idea about libadwaita. Thank you!

[–] 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (2 children)

I navigated to my screenshot folder in terminal and opened an image using swayimg -r but it wouldn't let me navigate with n or p. I also tried going to my Pictures folder and used swayimg Screenshots/* like this thread suggested, but still no luck.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Unfortunately, --all isn't an option. The following options are available in swayimg:

Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.
  -r, --recursive      read directories recursively
  -o, --order=ORDER    set sort order for image list: none/[alpha]/random
  -s, --scale=SCALE    set initial image scale: [optimal]/fit/width/height/fill/real
  -l, --slideshow      activate slideshow mode on startup
  -f, --fullscreen     show image in full screen mode
  -p, --position=POS   set window position [parent]/X,Y
  -g, --size=SIZE      set window size: [parent]/image/W,H
  -a, --class=NAME     set window class/app_id
  -c, --config=S.K=V   set configuration parameter: section.key=value
  -v, --version        print version info and exit
  -h, --help           print this help and exit
[–] 1 points 2 months ago

If that let's you flip between images that are in the same folder using arrow keys (or something similar), that would be awesome.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago (2 children)

Gwenview looks a little too full featured, but the Gnome Image Viewer (Loupe) works well. No dependencies needed in Nix, and the arrow keys let you flip between different images that are in the same folder. All of the on-screen functionality works (copy, move to trash, zoom in/out, toggle full-screen, etc.), and keyboard shortcuts and gestures work great. The only bug I have to work out is that it doesn't respect the gtk theme I have configured (GTK 2, 3, and 4). Otherwise, seems like a good option.

[–] 4 points 2 months ago (4 children)

Sounds interesting, but the requirements say it needs gnome-desktop. I'm using Hyprland on NixOS, so it doesn't sound like this will work for my setup unfortunately. Thank you for the suggestion. Hopefully this helps others.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (9 children)

I like how it supports animated webp and gif files right out of the box. Would be perfect if you could open images from the file manager and navigate, but it doesn't look like that's in the works.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (2 children)

Can you open animated gifs in imv? I just get a black screen, but the home page says animated gifs are supported.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago

Doesn't look like Hyperion is open source :(

Until there's a FOSS version of Nova, I guess I'll keep using Nova and have my firewall block its outgoing traffic.


According to this issue, it looks like there are no plans, understandably, for making a version/fork of nsxiv but with native Wayland support.

Any recommendations for a simple image viewer in Hyprland?


I noticed the AppOutlet repo has been archived, but I really liked the idea of one store to rule them all (I.e. snaps, appimages, flatpaks, etc. in one place).

Any current recommendations for an alternative?


Looking for a music player that will do a good job of loading album art. It all looks great in PlayerPro, but I tried Auxio and Aplayer but they didn't do a great job of pulling in the album art. Tracks were also incorrectly lumped together with mixed albums/artists.

Any recommendations?


Looking for a FOSS way to backup my encrypted Blueray disks so I can stream them with Jellyfin and not worry about the disks getting scratched.

Much like the linked post, I hope this thread serves as a snapshot or "state of the industry" as of April 2024.


Any privacy concerns with using the futo-whisper open source voice library?

I was able to add their apk repo to Droidify, but am hesitant to install Futo Voice Input. Although it looks like it integrates nicely with OpenBoard.

The other option is to install Sayboard, which works with the native Graphene keyboard. Although OpenBoard with Futo Voice looks like a more streamlined experience, IMHO.

Any thoughts on privacy here?


Any recommendations for a ZigBee RGB Lightbulb w/o 3rd party app - at least not a closed source app.

I heard the Phillips Hue works well but I'd like to be able to install and configure the bulbs with Home Assistant (or another open source app at a minimum). Any suggestions?


I have a Nvidia TitanX in my HTPC, which is known for its high heat output, and it keeps overheating when I play 3D games. The case has two intake fans on one side and two exhaust fans on the other, but lacks ventilation on the top panel. I'm tired of the random shutdowns during game play and was wondering if anyone had any recommemdations for a more efficient GPU.

Running Windows 10.


Would really love a launcher that can format icon shapes so that they're all uniform in shape, like Nova Launcher ...but open source.


Yo how'd our hommie sideofburritos get old school quick access on GrapheneOS? Is this just an old version? The video's only a year old! So I'm on GOS Android 13 (aka big dumb quick access button purgatory), totally confused and totally jealous. I can only imagine an out of touch board testing a new android version and telling the developers to make the buttons bigger and dumber while they tell their managers "okay, we can do that" while they die a little inside. This is the most egregious design offense committed in the history of AOSP.

Please tell me this can be fixed with System UI Tuner or some other bullshit that doesn't kill my battery life or privacy.


Web pages were loading in the foreign language my VPN was in, so I tried using a free proxy but couldn't find a reliable way to make that work. Any suggestions?


Currently looking at:

  • with the Cheogram app - at $3 a month for each number, it's a little pricey.
  • with either the linphone app or one of the other FOSS apps in their softphones list - $0.85 a month but calls and messages are a la carte, which is not my favorite but it's less expensive.

I know a lot of people like using MySudo or Grandstream, but I'd like to keep it FOSS and not reliant on google play services if possible. Battery considerations are also a plus.

So what are you using and would you recommend it?


There isn't a way to run a lightning node with the private key in cold storage is there?

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