For anyone interested in weird retro movies, the photo is from Valley of the Dolls, which I recommend.
Security deposits are a type of refundable fee where a tenant pays a specific amount (often many hundreds of dollars) to a landlord to "ensure" that they don't damage a residence while living there. If the residence is damaged, the landlord keeps the deposit. The term is derived from contract law where "security" just means a way to make sure that a party to a contract meets their contractual obligations.
There are many instances where a landlord illegally keeps the deposit over damage that was either already existing or minimal (also referred to as "wear and tear" damage, which is expected when you live somewhere long-term), so OP is calling for the courts to determine the extent of damage to prevent landlords from taking advantage of tenants.
In some jurisdictions (like the one I live in), security deposits and most other related deposits such as key deposits (i.e., a refundable fee paid to obtain a key to the residence) are completely illegal in order to eliminate the possibility entirely.
It would be funny/interesting if, in an effort to grow the player base, they brought back the same settings implemented for COVID (when the game was super popular) and made it accessible to disabled people again.
I know a few people that had to quit the game when Niantic reverted back to "normal" gameplay after lockdowns ended. Idk, maybe this won't be entirely crap; probably will be, but it would be nice if it weren't and improved things instead.
Uncontrolled diabetes (presumably type 2) might also at least partially explain his rapid cognitive decline. It's systemic so it hits you everywhere.
It's light exposure. The right side of the page is overexposed because it's getting hit with (and reflecting, because it's white) the majority of the direct light in the environment in which the photo was taken.
It likely wasn't corrected because the focus of the actual image for the photographer was presumably Trump himself.
Here is an example of different types of exposure.
...Yeah. I just read the playtest email like 5 minutes ago and saw that. The way they worded it like it was an opportunity is also Pretty Shit™ lol. I almost hope the game sucks now so I don't have to be conflicted about it.
So here is the context:
so all I know about it is that Canadian Blood Services would rather throw your blood out on the off-chance that you're lying than actually send it for testing
Yes, this is a colloquialism that I made purposely to illustrate my larger point. Again, if you can't understand that, there is no point in further discussion. Bye. If you reply again I will block you.
...I am aware blood is not plasma. Canadian Blood Services oversees the donation of both since they are both blood products. I am using the term colloquially to help you understand my perspective since you are not Canadian.
Since you apparently don't understand that, bye.
Yeah, I think bodily fluid donation is governed by federal legislation, so it's a felony to violate the regulations, right? Canadian here. That would make me want to cover my ass too.
Our donations can't be paid and there are a lot fewer people donating, so all I know about it is that Canadian Blood Services would rather throw your blood out on the off-chance that you're lying than actually send it for testing. I guess they want a sure thing and the testing is a formality. Probably the US is the same.
Are you sure that the question wasn't asking if you have a condition which prevents scab formation? That might indicate a clotting disorder or some other problem that may make donating blood/plasma a bad idea for you.
You're welcome. Hopefully you don't have to deal with security deposits any time soon. :3