Fight war crimes with war crimes
Glam-meow shots ✨
What was the life expectancy in Darwin's time? Like 40-something?
The nerve of this bitch is astounding
Yeah, you're probably right about this, though I use knives to spread things because I hardly ever use the knives and I don't want to get a spoon dirty just for that
I don't have much silverware
Thank you so much! 🙏 I appreciate you all taking the reigns
Do you have any plans on improving the rules? Or are they staying the same?
Edit: oops, sorry I didn't read the other comment where you said that y'all were still ironing out the rules 'n' such
No one here but us towels
First of all, I never heard it anywhere I worked, so it sounds weird because I'm just not used to it.
But why would OP say this term is to be used for coworkers that have the genders they're attracted to? That's what's making it weird to me if it's platonic. Like couldn't two hetero same-sex work friends use to it too? Like two straight men or straight women be work husbands or work wives respectively?
I actually really like this idea, but the mods aren't practically non-existent on this community. I think only the way they'd see this post is if someone reports it.
Edit: oops, I forgot that I think you can tag people, but I'm not sure because never tag anyone
Oh yeah, that one's great too
Nah, there hasn't been a new post there in over a month, so that community needs some spicing up