Average American moment
Don't know what to tell you. Been doing it that way since 2011
The tyranny of the HOA. Your options for what to do with your property is very limited
Not exactly, because n commits will have been squashed into one, so making the edit would lose the reference to the originals which should have been squashed with other commits
See but you can break the commit back apart by doing a git rebase interactive, selecting that squashed commit as the commit to edit, then doing a git reset HEAD~1
then recommit it in pieces, then git rebase --continue
Then git rebase -i
a second time and then remove the commit that you don't want to be included
If you are continually rebasing and having to fix the same merge conflict over and over, you should look at https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Tools-Rerere
You can also do a git rebase -i
and mark a commit as edit
and git will stop at that commit in the rebase to allow you to stop, look around, and make changes.. I think that is what you are looking for
Have you ever seen a leftist in the imperial core handle a firearm.
I have. It's very depressing
The ban against militias is selectively enforced against left wing groups. The SRA, with all of its flaws, correctly avoided anything that would appear to encourage or condone militia formation and they still got infiltrated by wreckers, leftist infighting, sectarianism, incompetence, and feds.
So I dunno. It's very hard to organize anything without getting infiltrated.
He outlawed opposition parties and cancelled elections that he was going to lose.
The fact that it's Trump of all people calling it out is just hilarious.