The main reason is that there is no single Linux operating system. Linux basically is just the kernel. Every thing else around this kernel, like tools, applications and libraries, is highly customisable and exists in form of various forms of Linux operating system distributions. The fact that these distributions are very different from each other makes it almost impossible to certify industrial products for „the Linux“ operating system. There are just too many variations of it.
I have been using Firefox ever since. Never really had a reason to switch to something else.
Actually there’s an idea sparking up on me.
When I was a junior programmer there were some business guys coming up with the requirement to implement their own validation language (similar to regex). I always thought it is totally stupid to invent your own instead of using something that already exists. But it turned out to be great fun implementing it. I had no prior knowledge in implementing parsers and interpreters. But man I was so proud after I came up with my own solution for the problem. It was such fun, that I even was doing over hours. At the end I create my own tokenizer, a parser and an interpreter. Even something similar to what I now know most people would call an AST (abstract syntax tree).
However, I know I have bought the Crafting Interpreters book without having read it. I really should start digging into it.
Yea doing some FOSS contributions definitely was something I always was considering. But then as soon as I was looking for the right project things started to get complicated again. And even if you find a cool project you look into the issue list and imposter-syndrome starts kicking in.
I don’t want to hear how good this game is because I only own a PS5 and don’t have a gaming PC.
When I had a look on it a while ago they didn’t support Docker Compose. But except this it’s a drop in replacement.
Creating a snapshot is not the backup itself. It is basically freezing the current state of your files from this point on and then remembering what has chanced compared to the snapshot. So yes, it is normal that this takes no time since nothing is copied on your hard drive. If you want to backup the snapshot you need to make an actual backup of it. This is possible with btrfs. But since I haven’t done it yet, I can’t tell you the exact command.
Only during the night when I am asleep.
I use Reeder on iOS and Mac.
So ganz verstehe ich das manchmal nicht. Eigentlich sollte die Feststellung, dass eine Partei extremistisch ist, und somit gegen die Verfassung verstößt, doch ein ausreichender Grund sein, diese Partei kurz und schmerzlos einfach zu verbieten und komplett vom politischen Geschehen auszuschließen. Frage mich, warum hier noch lange diskutiert werden muss. Es gibt klare gesellschaftliche & politische Regeln an die sich jeder (ausnahmslos, egal ob Links, Rechts oder Mitte) zu halte hat. Wer dagegen verstößt, hat einfach keinen Anspruch, mitzureden.
Kann nur zustimmen. Wenn du den Job wirklich wechseln möchtest, solltest du einfach ein Zwischenzeugnis anfordern. Es ist auch durchaus üblich sich ein Zwischenzeugnis auszustellen zu lassen, wenn die Abteilung, Aufgabe oder der Vorgesetzte innerhalb der Firma sich ändert. Bzgl. der Formulierung kannst du da auch ChatGPT zur Hilfe nehmen wenn dir dass schwer fällt. Aber lass Begründen raus warum du ein Zwischenzeugnis willst. Das steht dir zu. Wenn doch die Frage kommt, bezieht dich einfach drauf das sich deine Tätigkeit oder deine Vorgesetzten in den Jahren seit deiner Einstellung stark verändert haben.