
joined 11 months ago
[–] 10 points 1 week ago

Ooooh weeeeee

[–] 16 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (2 children)

Oops, the ai is antisemitic.

[–] 8 points 1 week ago (2 children)
[–] 40 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

PeopleMakeGames has a two part series on Valve that's pretty interesting. The second part (here) dives into the structure of the company. It does have a bit of an angle, fwiw, so if you'd prefer something more objective, it might not be a great watch. Personally I think the issues they bring up are valid, but figured I'd mention it.

[–] -3 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

Yikes. I've never read Asterix and Obelix, but did they really make (I assume) the only black character a straight up knuckle-dragging gorilla imitation? 😬

[–] 87 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (7 children)

More like "And I hope you learned not to trust the wellbeing and education of the children entrusted to you to a program that's not capable of doing either."

[–] 3 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

This system is absolutely more efficient, using one space for 4 digits of arabic numerals, and ease of use has more to do with familiarity than anything else. You only think the "common way" is easy because it's common to you. There are lots of number systems considered "the common way" to entire other cultures.

[–] 1 points 4 weeks ago

The middle bit looks like a psychopath's suggestion for a new Power Handshake™.

"To really get the upper hand in negotiations, simply remove his hand from just below the shoulder."

[–] 0 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

I dunno. I just don't see it as a big problem, I guess. Just because it has some useless stuff attached doesn't mean it's a scam or something, as long as the artbook and music is accessible and are considered worth the price.

Also, looking at the pack, the "dlc" is 4 whole cosmetics. If it's considered a scam without those, then it should be considered a scam with them.

[–] -2 points 1 month ago (4 children)

I it? I don't really get what to be upset about here. If it were really DLC sans game, then yeah, that'd be ridiculous, but if people want to buy these things, why not? And $10 for both seems like a decent price, tbh.

[–] 5 points 1 month ago

I'm Sorry Luigi


When I used Reddit is Fun, it really hogged up data unless thumbnails we're disabled. I've noticed that Connect is also using quite a lot of data, but there is no similar setting that I can find (there's an option to disable preloading images, but I'm not seeing what that changes).

Even if there was just an option to toggle thumbnails manually, it'd be much appreciated.


I absolutely adored the first 2 seasons as they came out and wasn't confident in how the third season would follow up. And tbh, the first half was somewhat underwhelming. The Zava stuff seemed pointless and it kinda felt like it was running on auto-pilot. But man, starting with the Amsterdam episode it was just banger after banger (with special nods to 'The Strings That Bind Us' with Sam's emotional arc and the finale 'So Long Farwell' with, well...everything). The last show that made me laugh-cry that much was The Good Place.

I know there's lots of folks sad about it being done so quickly, but I don't think I'd want it any other way. Bill Lawrence, Jason Sudeikis, and everyone else on that show made something truly wonderful, not just for tv, but as a heartfelt examination and embrace of the flaws and strengths in all of us. This story about football that's not really about football (but still really is) will always hold a place in my heart.

slaps 'Believe!' poster


For one, even if I wanted to use it, piped never works for me.

Second, on mobile, my alternative of choice doesn't recognize everyone's non-yt links, so it removes my choice in the matter.

Third, I have no reason to trust the weird-ass domains I see, and to un-fuck the url takes much more time then just handing out the original YT links and letting people choose for themselves how they view the video.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by to c/

Rediscovered this vid digging around my old youtube playlists. I barely knew who Tom was back then, and with his recent announcement, I thought it was kind of neat to come back to. Hopefully others find it as funny/neat as I do!


I do this for a few things, movies in particular. For me most recently, I'm planning on watching Bo Burnham's Inside this weekend, for the first time since I watched it shortly post-release. I wasn't really intending to wait *checks watch* nearly 3 years on that one, but I definitely felt it needed some space before a rewatch.

Anyone else treat certain pieces of media similarly?


The instance I'm on just did the update and this comment highlighting is really throwing me off. It's super glaring and unpleasant imo and I'd really appreciate the ability to turn it off. I've looked around a bit but haven't found anything myself. Am I missing something?

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by to c/

Considering the latest rash of spam images plaguing the platform, I decided to figure out how to block embeds entirely since I never really liked them in the first place and am sharing what I got working since I figured it might be something others would like to enable themselves. (Fyi, this method requires uBlock Origin)

  • Open your uBlock settings and navigate to the 'My Filters' section
  • At the bottom of the document, add two breaks and then paste this: > span
  • If your instance is different than, then replace that with the instance you use to have it work.

With that enabled, images and videos shouldn't load in comments anymore. I'm sure there's a better way to do this, so feel free to share if you know! This is just what I knew how to get work asap. Hope it helps some people!

*0.19 seems to have borked the method I previously posted, but I was able to find another string that works that seems to be more efficient anyhow. Hopefully this one works for a while! I'm going to leave the old strings at the bottom here just to cover all bases. To reiterate, these are the old strings that, afik, do NOT work anymore. > .md-div > p > [src] > .md-div > p > video
submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by to c/

I drafted the heck out of it and I noticed today that I am 1-of "complete" with WOE, which is the first set I've done that with on Arena. While LCI looks to be good in it's own right, WOE just hit all the right notes and I miss it already, so cheers to an awesome draft format! It was great while it lasted.



"Doomsday Calendar" {1} (Scryfall name)

Legendary Artifact (M)

Whenever one or more permanents become untapped during your untap step, put that many time counters on “Doomsday Calendar”.

{2}, {T}: Double the amount of time counters on “Doomsday Calendar”.

When there are 1,000 or more time counters on “Doomsday Calendar”, sacrifice it and each opponent loses 1,000 life.

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