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[–] drev@lemmy.world 15 points 2 months ago (2 children)

I remember writing a comment about invasive advertising by Instagram. Just shared some anecdotes about how a few extremely specific conversation topics soon became the topic for the ads I was seeing on Instagram, and pointed out that if they were in fact using background conversation to target ads, it would be extremely easy to automate with the voice recognition technology available at the time, so why would they ignore the opportunity if targeted ads are their main source of revenue?

It became one of my most down voted comments at the time, and I had about twice as many replies as downvotes, claiming all kinds of wild or easily disproven shit to disprove the idea that Instagram used such tactics. Was very fishy

[–] drev@lemmy.world 1 points 6 months ago

The rounding has a less significant impact than you'd think.

Interplanetary calculations of the highest precision will use just 15 decimals, which results in an error of about 1cm when calculating a circumference of 150 billion km.

But if you really want to measure even more accurately than that... The circumference of a circle with a diameter of 92 billion light years (as large as the known universe) can be calculated using 37 decimals of pi, and the result would be accurate within the width of a single hydrogen atom.


[–] drev@lemmy.world 1 points 6 months ago

I could see a Wikipedia-style donation model working to keep lots of different servers up. But I can't see it happening for servers hosting exclusively news + memes + whatever random communities people want to add.

I _could _ see it happening for dedicated broad-topic or semi-niche instances (instances for gaming, investing, Linux, music production, etc.) each hosting a collection of related and maybe more niche communities (for CSGO, Bitcoin, Arch, EDM production).

As they become more popular, server hosting costs increase, and at some point they might need to ask for donations to keep afloat. People are willing to throw a little money towards something they enjoy, especially if it's their choice to do so. And they feel good about it. And instances that stay around longer gain more users, more usability, more credibility (assuming a non-toxic community).

I could definitely see it leading down a path of growth and prosperity for the platform. However, now that I typed this out, I could see it both working positively, and being abused and exploited, so 🤷

[–] drev@lemmy.world 6 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

I can practically guarantee that people who say they hate tea haven't tried brewing any kind of loose leaf tea at the proper temp and time.

I got a 1kg brick of the cheapest loose-leaf black tea I could find for ~$3.50, and it's delicious. I drink it almost every day, I bought it in June last year, and I'm just now running low. I brewed a bag lipton black tea at work recently, took one sip and I dumped it the fuck out. Absolutely foul, that stuff.

So I can see why people hate tea if they've only ever tried cheap bags with boiling water

[–] drev@lemmy.world 1 points 6 months ago

They're all competing for recruits.

Wow, I didn't even consider that. It makes them seem so much less human to me, and so much more like a pack of hyenas.

[–] drev@lemmy.world 7 points 7 months ago (2 children)

Huh, we had 7 for our school district (one for each branch, and I think the army and navy had two), but my high school alone did have just under 3000 kids.

We had all 7 of these guys (and one woman) going from class to class every day for a month giving four 90-minute presentations per day to pander and force-feed each individual classroom of ~30-50 students a glorified recruitment ad. They even set up one of the portable classrooms as a recruitment office for that month.

I'm curious, did the recruiters hand out forms to kids under 18 that required parent/guardian signatures?

I'm asking because ours did, and I could swear that these forms were a sort of pre-enlistment contract that needed parent/guardian signature in order to waive the 18+ requirement for agreeing to enlist. So although we wouldn't actually be enlisted until we turned 18, we could agree to enlist beforehand with a parent's signature. But, as strong as that memory is, I still can't help but doubt myself because of how insane and illegal that all sounds.

[–] drev@lemmy.world 4 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (2 children)

I'm not sure, I just see a blank comment box with 1 point and no username asking for a favor

[–] drev@lemmy.world 8 points 7 months ago (4 children)

Strange, I can't see your comment. Maybe something is wrong with your account?

[–] drev@lemmy.world 6 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Sure, but they return it as well for a refund or new item. Both the seller and new buyer get reimbursed in full by amazon. Plus, it makes amazon a worse place to shop overall, and I don't think is a bad thing if irritated customers choose another site to shop from, loosening the near-monopolistic grip they have on online shopping.

Don't get me wrong, it's a shitty and immoral thing to do, generally speaking. It would make me feel guilty thinking about the poor schmuck who gets whatever junk I send as a return. I've been the guy who receives a busted piece of shit in my "new" package from amazon, and it's irritating as hell. But I think amazon suffers most from that type of shitty behavior because it poisons the overall trust people have in them, and makes it more inconvenient to use amazon's services.

So you might disagree, and that's fine, but it's because of the negative impact that shitty immoral behavior has on amazon that makes me feel 0% guilty overall, and hope the same scummy return scheme spreads like a plague to a point where amazon and wish have a similarly iffy reputation. Because I think they deserve to fall from their throne.

[–] drev@lemmy.world 16 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (2 children)

What a disgusting video.

Greedy, manipulative, despicable behaviour like this is why I take no issue with people who just repair their broken things by ordering a new one on amazon and sending the broken one as a return for a full refund. I'm not sure how a person could even feel remorse while pissing in the face of a company pushing shit like this into their employee's faces.

A surprising amount of people I know like to upgrade their graphics cards this way, returning their old card in the new box, getting free cutting-edge upgrades as soon as they become available on amazon's dime. Seems to have worked pretty well for them over the years 🤷

[–] drev@lemmy.world 1 points 8 months ago

It's unfortunate how often it is that the best solution is to combine the powers of 2 sites that have been (not so) recently dipping their toes into the "detestable corporations" side of things.

[–] drev@lemmy.world 3 points 8 months ago (2 children)

I share the same sentiment, but the problem is finding a better "elsewhere".

Google search used to be so far beyond the capabilities of all other search engines, but lately it's been closing that gap from the top down. Even in its enshittified state, it still outperforms the other search engines out there more consistently, albeit just barely.

That's my experience anyway, I would love to be introduced to something better if anyone happens to have suggestions!

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