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[–] drathvedro@lemm.ee 7 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (2 children)

That's the face I've made just yesterday when my friend told me she's now eligible for a subsidized IT mortgage. That thing was one of Russia's last ditch attempts at stopping skilled workers from fucking off to different countries. The problem is, she's a web designer. I guess that counts as IT nowadays, so good for her. But it's bitter to hear as sr. backend tech who never hit the criteria...

[–] drathvedro@lemm.ee 4 points 5 days ago

Any half-decent GUI should cover everything shown in this cheatsheet. You'd have to do quite some voodoo witchcraft to need CLI these days. It's actually the reverse sometimes, when my terminal bretheren complain that I do too much witchcraft when I'm just tidying stuff up with a GUI.

[–] drathvedro@lemm.ee 2 points 5 days ago

It's all worhless bullshit used exclusively for money laundering and feeding lies to aspiring artists. Burn the entire place down for all I care.

[–] drathvedro@lemm.ee 6 points 1 week ago (1 children)

sudo apt-mark hold snapd

[–] drathvedro@lemm.ee 29 points 2 weeks ago

If you think 26% is bad, in Russia it's going to be priced at around ₽80-100k(~$883, VAT included), but the median monthly salary is ₽43.500 - $480... That's well over 100% median household income given that over 38% families only have a single parent. And I'm pretty sure that's not even the worst out there, think like Argentina has an extortionate import tax or something?

[–] drathvedro@lemm.ee 2 points 2 weeks ago
[–] drathvedro@lemm.ee 3 points 2 weeks ago

On gigabyte boards, red ports were/are signifying their "ON/OFF charge" and "3x power" gimmicks. Basically means that it's a usb 2.0, with 1.5A limit over normal 500mA, and remains powered when the PC is turned off.

[–] drathvedro@lemm.ee 25 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

That queen's hanging, tho. He can just beat her himself.

[–] drathvedro@lemm.ee 1 points 3 weeks ago

He did use the get out of jail card, though, so it's all good. But I would advise to not try use it more than once.

[–] drathvedro@lemm.ee 5 points 3 weeks ago

Funny how I could probably understand what you mean if you said it without translation. Sounds very simillar to срать тесьма, which is also shit tape, though it's not a correct grammatically in Russian. To my knowledge, we don't have a specific name for it, but if there were I'd say it'd either be студенческая/солдатсткая (student/soldier) paper because they're so poor, or жоподёрка (the assripper)

[–] drathvedro@lemm.ee 12 points 3 weeks ago (5 children)

what’s preventing China from just taking ALL of Russia

What for? Russia is already drifting into becoming a China's satellite state. Besides, there's another resource-rich, sparsely populated, 99.9% Asian country right by their border, with barely any security and which would've been part of China already if not for some weeb. If they are going for conquest, Mongolia would be the second target right after Taiwan, but attacking it would tip off Russia to go all in on defense.

Russia would never threaten China with nukes, because 1) China ALSO has nukes, and 2) China has been the only thing keeping Russia afloat recently.

The problem here is the amount of them and population density. Just one bomb dropped randomly somewhere in China would probably cause more casualties than the entire Chinese nuclear arsenal targeting the most populous Russian cities. And Russia has an order of magnitude more...

[–] drathvedro@lemm.ee 6 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Well, it that case you're referring to, the guy was actually snooping around which would fall into doing stupid things. But, just in case, just this once, here's a free get out of jail free card: If you ever got caught just say that you're an orthodox christian who came to Russia to enjoy based traditional culture in this bastion of anti-woke-ism and family values, and complain about some dumb shit like how western liberal agenda prevents you from hitting your wife or something. They can't put you on TV while you are in prison, so they'll have to let you go.


I'm currently in a country with lots of companies straight up spamming every single number. But, I guess it's by law, all those messages have a word signifying that it's an ad.

My question is whether there's an app that could auto-remove them, preferrably removing the notification as well and ideally keeping the stock messenger intact.

I've tried a few from the play market's top but none seemed to work, some didnt even have such a feature. Also tried some automation tools, but couldnt find one that could delete SMS messages.

Any suggestions?

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