
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 9 hours ago (1 children)

Hold up....

According to the specs on your CPU its max resolution is 4096x2304 @ 120Hz on an integrated flat panel. (Assuming you have a Laptop.)

Otherwise, on the HDMI and DPI output, the limit is 60hz. It can't run at 240Hz. It's like 4 times its max framerate for an external display!

Make sure your Wayland configuration is set up so that all your displays have the same framerate of 60Hz

If you want to have your display work at that framerate, you'll need to get a proper GPU.

[–] 1 points 9 hours ago

Yeah, but since my external drive is formatted in exFAT, I can't simply rsync to it. I gotta either partition it, or create a mountable ext4 filesystem image on which I can.

[–] 3 points 9 hours ago

And also strict regulation regarding broadcasted information. There ought to be fines for misinformation. Spreading lies and hate shouldn't count as "free speech".

[–] 1 points 12 hours ago (3 children)

What graphics card do you have?

[–] 3 points 13 hours ago (5 children)

What graphics card are you using? AMD? NVIDIA? And what distro? Version? Wayland version? Desktop Environment? Can you please provide more details?

I know this really isn't the answer you're looking for, but maybe don't use QTile yet? Their documentation states that "some functionality may not yet be implemented". Or revert to X11?

[–] 2 points 13 hours ago* (last edited 13 hours ago) (2 children)


I have a desktop PC which I'll be running Kubuntu 24.04 LTS as my main OS. No Windows dualboot or anything.

I have 2 hard drives.

  • My main one is a 1TB SSD NVME disk which will contain my Linux OS on a single BTRFS partition.
  • My second one is a 1TB HDD NTFS formatted disk which contains only my data files (Pictures, Documents, Downloads, Desktop, Music, Videos, etc. Symlinked in my /home/user directory to replace the folders of the same name)

Since I'll be using BTRFS, I'll be performing snapshots (daily, weekly, monthly) with a certain retention for each.

But I want to also take snapshots of my whole system on a monthly basis or so on an external 8TB external backup drive (one of those big ones as big as a book that's permanently hooked up to my PC) for safety's sake.

My external USB backup HDD is exFAT formatted (out of the box).

Doing an rsync from from my NTFS data drive to my external drive won't be a problem. But I can't do an rsync from my BTRFS SDD to my external drive because of permissions, ownership, etc.

What do you suggest I do in that case for my SDD drive?

I was thinking of creating a mountable ext4 disk image of maybe 2-4TB and mounting it at boot, then doing an rsync to that disk image on a monthly basis.

Another option would be to straight up tar bzip the drive, or at least select directories like /home and /etc.

And lastly, just straight up use dd or clonezilla to create a snapshot. But I want to be able to mount it and view the files though.

What do you think?

[–] 42 points 15 hours ago (6 children)

A long ass fucking time ago, In a town called Kickapoo

There lived a humble family, religious through and through...

[–] 33 points 21 hours ago (2 children)

Even in Canada. Most talk radio stations are right wing hate BS.

[–] 1 points 21 hours ago* (last edited 21 hours ago)

T'as le droit à ton opinion. Mais si c'est une opinion de marde et que tu l'exprimes, attends toi à avoir des conséquences.

Et ton sentiment reflète un peu un scénario où, par exemple, j'ai un ami que son père est mourant et toi t'arrives pis tu dis "y peut tu mourir qu'on en finisse".

Si tu peux même pas te rendre compte que ce genre de commentaire peut blesser par son manque de sensitivité, ça en dit long sur ta personnalité.

Peut être que tu devrait faire un peu d'introspection.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago (3 children)

Si t'es ignorant à propos d'un sujet et que tu t'en fous je ne vois pas pourquoi tu irais exprimer ton opinion d'abord.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Tu fais juste confirmer encore plus ton manque d'empathie et ton incompréhension du conflit.

Et c'est par parce que tu peux exprimer ton promotion que tu n'auras pas de conséquences.

Enfin ce que j'essayais de dire est que si t'es pour dire des choses ignorantes et qui blessent, autant mieux de te taire.

[–] 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (10 children)

On dirait que je suis de moins en moins empathique avec cette guerre la. J’ai autre chose a penser. Si ces gens là veulent s’entretuer, qu’ils le fassent. J’suis vraiment pu sensibilisée. J’suis rendu au point où j’trouve que Israël devrait juste nuker la place, qu’on en finisse.

C’est un cluster fuck.

Je comprend que la vie n'est pas facile en ce moment et qu'il peut être difficile de garder un esprit sain et d'être optimiste. Mais, ça n'excuse aucunement d'être un apologiste du génocide d'être indifférent face à un état en train de commettre un second holocauste. Surtout lorsque notre pays a été impliqué à fournir des véhicules et des outils et maintenant potentiellement des armes et des munitions pour commettre ces crimes contre l'humanité. Le jour où ça va commencer à péter ici après qu'on nous déclare la guerre parce qu'on nous a trouvé responsable par association pour des crimes de ce genre, ton indifférence ne servira plus à rien.

Aussi, c'est assez clair que t'as jamais rencontrer des gens d'origine libanaise ou palestinienne ou d'un autre pays avoisinant ayant encore des liens de parenté ou de la famille là-bas. Qui sont nés là-bas, qui on grandis là-bas. Que tu ne les a jamais vu pleurer lors des derniers conflits entre 2000 et 2006 parce qu'ils se soucient de leurs petit-enfants, de leurs enfants, de leurs parents, etc.

Ton commentaire est extrêmement décevant et démontre ton ignorance sur ce sujet et ton manque complet d'empathie. Tant qu'à faire des commentaires honteux et choquants comme ça, tu ferais mieux de te taire.>>


Désolé pour les multiples articles sur le même sujet, je trouvais celui-là beaucoup plus détaillé.


A really great and easy to understand article about BTRFS snapshots.


This is a really great article about how to use BTRFS snapshots with examples.


I have this collection of mp3s from the 90s-2000s from before the streaming services era. Back when people used Winamp or XMMS to listen to their music. I backed up my music files in two places and they're both organized differently.

I need a tool to go through the whole thousands of files, find out what each track is (artist, album, track title, track number all that meta data), rename the file accordingly and apply all the metadata, then move the file in a certain directory structure.

Are there any music organizers out there that can do this? Or do I have to implement my own script?


For context:

I've been using Linux since 2000. Started with Mandrake Linux (Helios?), then I moved to Ubuntu in 2004 and alternated between Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Ubuntu MATE for a time until I settled with Kubuntu for the last few years.

Ubuntu has been rock solid for me for the past 20 years and I'm used to the APT package management and Ubuntu/Debian environment overall with all the various services and configs, setups and release cycles, etc. The stability allows me to enjoy my spare time playing games and doing other important tasks instead of troubleshooting my system and figuring out how to make something work. Ubuntu has been awesome in that regard.

I've also been dual-booting this whole time with Windows. Gaming on Linux simply wasn't up to snuff up until very recently with Steam working on Wine and Proton for the Steam Deck and Bottles, which makes running Windows games on Linux almost comparable to Windows.

Windows 10 was a great OS, except for a few flaws and privacy issues with the introduction of mandatory Microsoft accounts and One Drive integration. But you could work around those things. It was supposed to be the last Windows we would have to install with perpetual rolling releases, but apparently they changed their minds about that. Windows 11 was released and reading about it gives me nightmares. Using it for work also has been an incredibly buggy and frustrating experience. The invasion of privacy, data collection, screen monitoring and AI integration plus the additional advertisement are all reasons for which I will never install this OS on my personal computer. And some of these features have started to leak into Windows 10.

So I've made up my mind. I'm wiping Windows from my PC and will be running Linux only. I believe it's become good enough to use as a daily driver for a home gaming desktop and for productivity. But... Which distribution should I choose?

The dilemma:

There's been a whole slew of new Linux distributions that have come out lately. Some have been early in the Linux gaming aspect such as POP! OS. Others have tried to become a solid replacement for the default immutable Steam OS such as Bazzite. And there are now some pretty awesome sounding gaming-focused distros such as Nobara. And that's on top of the various existing Ubuntu flavors, Fedora's spins, OpenSuse and the many Arch variants that almost seem to pop up monthly.

I've been shopping around for a distribution to become my daily driver from now until who knows when. I'm expecting to stick to that distro as long as possible. Here's some of the things that I am looking for:

  • Not immutable : I find this to be adapted for devices like tablets, IoT devices and handhelds instead of an actual PC. I'll need to be able to change my system configs as I please and an Immutable distro seems like a pain in the butt to deal with that.
  • Rock solid : This is the most important aspect and is why a lot of the Arch or other bleeding edge distros won't do. (With some exceptions)
  • Hardware support : The second most important aspect. I think that's pretty much covered by most popular distros, but some have better support than others. Especially for ease of getting the right drivers. (Especially for NVidia GPUs, or gaming controllers and devices.)
  • Performance : Most popular distros offer ok performance, but some have been enhanced to provide improved performance according to the hardware. This is a very big nice to have, especially for gaming.
  • Desktop choice : I'm really not a big fan of Gnome 3. It seems nobody really is. Many Gnome based distros come with quality of life extensions out of the box to fix that. Not a big fan of GTK apps' UI ergonomics either. That's why I prefer KDE over Gnome or Cinnamon. Budgie seems like a great alternative as well. Also having a PowerToys-style FancyZones tiling system is a big big plus (KDE has that OOTB)
  • Applications : The thing I love about Ubuntu is the amount of available applications in their repos. I'm hoping to have the same availability in my next distribution.
  • Online community/support : Having a great online support community is very important. The more users, the larger the knowledge base and the easier you can find answers to questions to troubleshoot problems.
  • Online services integration : Optional but a very nice to have would be to have integration with Google apps like GMail, Calendar, Keep and Google Drive to name a few.
  • Customization : As funny as this sounds, I want to use the desktop in its most vanilla form as possible with as few customisations as possible. Over time I found that having extra customisations like extensions, applets, etc tends to break things because of lack of support over time. It's also more difficult to troubleshoot when very few people are using them.

The distributions that ended up meeting my requirements are the following in order of preferences :

  • Kubuntu : So far its been working great for gaming but I think there could be some performance improvements. It's my first choice because I'm just so comfortable with it already. Zero effort, but with some compromises in performance.
  • Nobara with KDE Plasma : This looks solid and ticks all the requirements. I think there's some amount of learning to do for using YUM/RPM packages and to understand some of the customisations, but I think this effort will be minimal. I am concerned about long term support however since this is a fairly new distro supported by individuals.
  • Ubuntu Budgie : I really like this DE, very simple but elegant. But, like Kubuntu, I don't know how it's going to fare performance wise. And I don't know what kind of tools there are to configure gaming controllers, etc.
  • Ubuntu (I'm willing to deal with Gnome 3 for simplicity's sake)
  • Fedora KDE Plasma spin : Everybody is raving about Fedora so maybe I'll give it a shot as an Ubuntu replacement.
  • ~~Manjaro~~ Endeavour OS with KDE desktop :Possibly the only Arch distro I'm willing to install because they focus on stability, however learning about the packaging system and configs/environment feels like a drag. But with the great community and documentation I'm willing to make an effort for this one.

What are your thoughts on this? What are your recommendations based on my requirements?


Thank you very much for everyone's input. I've spent a good part of the day installing distros in a VM to check out some of your suggestions and reading more about my choices.

I can't believe I am saying this, but I am reevaluating my choice of using Kubuntu. After some reading I have found out that Ubuntu and it's flavors will not be supporting flatpaks starting in 23.04. And there are several known problems with snap, such as serious performance issues. A task that would take 1-5s as a regular .deb installed app, would take up to 10 times that time to complete. Canonical is also working to modify apt to use snaps instead of installed .deb packages. They are aggressively pushing snaps to a point where they'll want to replace the majority of the software with snaps eventually.

Yeah there's security features built-in and all, which flatpaks don't necessarily have. And the security is tighter around Canonical's snap repos compared to flathub for example. But I don't know if I'm ready to move to that new way of doing things. And Canonical is going against what the community wants.

I don't know. I think I'm more confused now that I was when I started...

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