Republicans hate change. They hate that they no longer run the show, though they're doing what they can to get that power back. They hate that the old white man doesn't have the strangling grip on society it once had. They hate that minorities and women have rights, though they're doing what they can to change that. They hate open boarders and people who feel more themselves as a member of the opposite sex. They hate what America was on the path of becoming, which was a place that truly welcomed any and all people.
In order to feel happy, here is depressing news.
Easy for a billionaire to say.
Hahaha cry me a fucking river. Tell that the North Carolina's governor when state Republicans tried to strip away powers after he beat the Republican nominee. She can eat a dick.
How many scammer have already downloaded this and are applying it to their scams lol
Anyone over the age of retirement shouldn't be able to run for any publ office.
12 is old enough to enter the workforce without a permit or parental consent.
Most will have to die while on office. It's akin to prying the power from their cold dead hands.
Bonus points if it's in front of Four Seasons Lawn Care.
She won't. Trump said we'd never hear from again if he lost the election. They crave the spotlight.
There's one in my neighborhood with a fart can. I love hearing it every morning at 6am.
This goes against what Republicans want. They're literally removing child labor laws so kids can get into the work force while they're in middle school. Start a kid working at 12 years old and they can get about 50 years of labor out of them. Chances are that kid will be working 60-70 years and won't be able to retire.