
joined 3 years ago
[–] 0 points 3 years ago

Great article. Here is their idea of a solution: (From study linked in story)

"The effectiveness of large-scale psychological persuasion in the digital environment heavily depends on the accuracy of predicting psychological profiles from people’s digital footprints (whether in the form of machine learning predictions from a user’s behavioral history or single target Likes), and therefore, this approach is not without limitations. First, the psychological meaning of certain digital footprints might change over time, making it necessary to continuously calibrate and update the algorithm to sustain high accuracy."

So they write this article, claiming to have found a subset of conservatives most likely to spread "misinformation", even after authorities have told them it's untrue (Oh No! How dare they!).

Then offer up as part of the solution the quoted study.

And people support this? Let me interpret: We have through highly sophisticated means, leveraged peoples online activity to profile them and identified the problems to be those that disagree with authorities. We therefore conclude we must engage psychological techniques of mass persuassion and target them more specifically to modify this behaviour.

Wtf!? For me, "misinformation" is the corporate media lies that lead us to war. So I guess second guessing George W. Bush about the WMDs would be misinformation now.

If anything, they have gotten much better at their propoganda techniques. They've captured such a large number of the left and made them their corporate foot soldiers.

Don't agree with me? I wonder, is you instinct to say I'm a spreader of misinformation?

Read the article, but empoy some empathy and imagine that by misinformation they mean something you disagree with authorites about. From that vantage, this article is very informative indeed.

[–] 0 points 3 years ago

History proves that you are correct, considering the billions in fines for mis-leading advertisement and concealing information about product safety.

But some on here call those uncomfortable facts misinformation and think doubting big pharma is conservative and grounds to plead for censorship for some reason that I still don't understand.

[–] 0 points 3 years ago

they literally fabricate stories

As far as I am aware, they have not lost a lawsuit going after publishers who have printed such accusations. Can you point me to one of their fabrications you allege?

Are you saying the DOD report they talk about is fake?

you have lost all credibility by linking to Project Veritas

I personally like to keep things about the information/data and not engage in guilt by association, or "everyone knows" types of arguments. That doesn't help bring clarity. I'm arguing in good faith and found it revealing that internal DOD report acknowledges what admin is denying so vehmently in their push for more power over us by the government.

I expose myself to broad specturm of information and don't dismiss things simply because of the messenger.

[–] -1 points 3 years ago* (last edited 3 years ago)

This is true. I was incorrect. I guess my point is that it's the first time humans are doing it to humans.

[edit] Further clarification: First time we are selecting/designing mRNA vs an occurance in nature.

[–] -2 points 3 years ago

Thankfully Supreme Court struck down the employeer mandates for private companies.

I think anyone who wants the vax should get it and anyone who doesn't shouldn't be forced to do it.

We should embrace the vaccine AND early treatment, not shove a one size fits all medical strategy down everyones throughts.

[–] 2 points 3 years ago (3 children)

I appreciate your considered response.

I agree that the "elites" are not fully in control, but by god are they trying. I don't trust this massive gov/corporate alliance that is pushing something under the threat of talking away rights and creating second class citizens. It went from 95% effective to 30 someting, from 1 shot to 1 jab to 2 to 3, from break-through cases to finally admitting the efficacy wanes and vax does not stop the spread. Mandates are not justified.

Now a new DOD internal report from a year ago recognizes the various early treatments and the possibility of lab-leak. Even that it's a POSSIBILITY should have everyone scrambling to determine what happened to make sure it doesn't happen again. Instead, the leadership publicly calls it a "conspiracy-theory" but privately talks about it in a more somber way.

(I hope I don't trigger to many ppl by linking to project veritas, but please consider the message and documents. I link so you don't just need to take my word for it:

Pandemic policy of sending ppl home until symptoms worsen vs giving Ivermectin or Fluvoxomine or monoclonol anti-bodies to help slow viral replication. Choosing mandates instead of public health messaging presenting all the real options and risks so that ppl can make up their own minds. Denying ppl medications, like Ivermectin, on the WHO list of essential drugs, with over 40 years of use in humans with an excellent safety record. Why?

Then there is the censorship. The coordinated messaging of: misinformation, anti-vax, conspiracy-theory, that language is harmful! It's so patronizing, as if though ppl can't think for themselves, they need corporate overloards to curate ideas that can be considered. And they censor experts in the field of virology, congressional testimony, talking about early treatment.

Lab leak was a bat s$%t crazy conspiracy theory... then the Eco Health alliance grant from NIH and the specifics came out... maybe not so crazy after all. Should it be censored? What if it is true that some beurocrats went against all the warnings and funded this dangerous research and MAYBE led to this pandemic? Shouldn't we be talking about that?

If there has ever been evidence of elite coordination across media, social media, gov and corporations, public social control propaganda strategies, this is the starkest example of it, what we are currently living through

Anyway... I'm just concerned. I enjoy the freedom I have and want to make sure every American (ideally every human) has the right to choose for themselves: What they can say (within reason), what ideas they can consider, what medications they take, where they go, whether or not they want to put a mask on their kids, etc...

I don't trust this corporate/gov alliance that has brought us endless war, terrible healthcare and education, and I don't want to give them more power.

There are elites, and they are coordinating.

[–] 1 points 3 years ago

You may ask, but I don't disclose personal medical information as a rule. Why do you ask?

[–] 0 points 3 years ago (7 children)

Disease is scary. Pandemics are scary. I understand the fear. But corporate media is cranking it up, from president Biden talking about a winter of death, to the death counters... slowly alot of lies are being uncovered... counting hospitalized WITH covid vs FROM covid, Pfizer ceo admitting vax don't work (to sell the new one of course)

If you listen to Hitler's rhetoric that whipped up the Germans to dehumanize their Jewish neighbors, it had a lot to do with disease, and Goebbels talks alot about using fear to control a population. It's why Mass formation Psychoses is being talked about now

the pro-vax / anti-vax dichotomy is just the ruling elite engineering classic divide and conquer, manipulating us at any opportunity to attack each other so we don't see the massive transfer of wealth into the pockets of transnational corporations

I mean just look at this thread. A comment telling me to cough myself to death and calling me a rat (Echoes of Hitler's anti-jew rhetoric) for not trusting massive corporations that have been fined BILLIONS for lying about their products to us in the past has several up votes. That level of dehumanization/rage/hatred is the goal of a massive propaganda machine pointed at us right now.

So I disagree that society has agreed to this. This is a manufactured perception that the majority blindly trust the Corporate/Gov alliance. It is not real. The evidence is in that they have to censor. Because the truth can shatter the illusion they are constructing.

They censor doctors, congressional testimony, saying only they ARE Truth and Science and questioning them is not allowed. They know they are the minority which is why they seed that censorious desire in those who are easily manipulated. "Don't let them talk! Their words are dangerous and harmful! Anti-vaxxer! Misinformation!"

They amplify the fear, reminding us at every turn that the threat is in the air we breath and they are using it to take away our rights and turn us against one another.

That's why I'm marching on 1/23

[–] -2 points 3 years ago (2 children)

My point is this is the first time we are using mRNA to program our cells to produce spike. Previous vaccines took the entire virus either attenuated or dead to stimulate the immune response.

This is the first time we are using an mRNA snippet to program our cells to make a specific protein.

So no, factually you are incorrect. This is not "exactly" how viruses work.

[–] 0 points 3 years ago

Risk management aside, it's an amazing technology. We are biologically programming human cells.

[–] 0 points 3 years ago

imagine being so ignorant you think that a vaccine is a 100% catch all.

I agree. That was very ignorant of the director of the CDC and US Pres Biden to say it prevents infection to justify the initial push for mandates.

[–] -1 points 3 years ago (6 children)

On an unrelated side note: I think the mRNA technology is freaking cool and I hope we can put it to more good use in the future.

A thing that worries me about it is that it is using your cell to express the spike protein. Effectively, "you" are making something to be attacked by your immune system as "other".

Alot of the adverse effects show that the body is attacking itself, as is typical with autoimmune issues, like arthritis.

The immune system being a complex system, it just seems a reckless to push forward with this in all age groups with only just over a year of safety data with humans.

I hope everything will be just fine, but I'm not reassure by the censorship, mandates and liability waiver for big pharma

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