History proves that you are correct, considering the billions in fines for mis-leading advertisement and concealing information about product safety.
But some on here call those uncomfortable facts misinformation and think doubting big pharma is conservative and grounds to plead for censorship for some reason that I still don't understand.
Great article. Here is their idea of a solution: (From study linked in story)
"The effectiveness of large-scale psychological persuasion in the digital environment heavily depends on the accuracy of predicting psychological profiles from people’s digital footprints (whether in the form of machine learning predictions from a user’s behavioral history or single target Likes), and therefore, this approach is not without limitations. First, the psychological meaning of certain digital footprints might change over time, making it necessary to continuously calibrate and update the algorithm to sustain high accuracy."
So they write this article, claiming to have found a subset of conservatives most likely to spread "misinformation", even after authorities have told them it's untrue (Oh No! How dare they!).
Then offer up as part of the solution the quoted study.
And people support this? Let me interpret: We have through highly sophisticated means, leveraged peoples online activity to profile them and identified the problems to be those that disagree with authorities. We therefore conclude we must engage psychological techniques of mass persuassion and target them more specifically to modify this behaviour.
Wtf!? For me, "misinformation" is the corporate media lies that lead us to war. So I guess second guessing George W. Bush about the WMDs would be misinformation now.
If anything, they have gotten much better at their propoganda techniques. They've captured such a large number of the left and made them their corporate foot soldiers.
Don't agree with me? I wonder, is you instinct to say I'm a spreader of misinformation?
Read the article, but empoy some empathy and imagine that by misinformation they mean something you disagree with authorites about. From that vantage, this article is very informative indeed.