There's an entire Star Trek instance ( that followed the /r/daystrominstitute community from reddit during the Exodus.
There are Federation time beacons. The E-D resynchronized the ship's chronometer using one after they got stuck in a time loop in Cause and Effect. They, however, did not use it when they lost a day in Clues.
Left4Dead2. Infinitely replayable, multiplayer without being toxic (except Versus mode), simple enough for n00bs to not be a burden most of the time.
A large bottle of cologne. Plausible gift that makes them think they smell bad.
You can collect unemployment after quitting if you have a good cause for quitting.
I'm the building superintendent.
My landlord pays me to live in my apartment rather than the other way around.
PSA: sells versions of Armada and Hidden Evil that work on modern systems.
The Voyage Home is the first movie I remember seeing. I was around 3 years old and my parents took me to see it at a drive in theater. It remains my favorite Trek movie.
Because that would violate the prime directive.
TestDisk and PhotoRec. TestDisk can recover broken drive partitions, PhotoRec can recover deleted files even if the partition table is borked.