I've been to MAGA rallies. Never once saw a Nazi flag. MAGA folks would tell them to go home.
Put up a info graph of a baptists and see if you don't get absolutely crucified in the comments. Nazi was used because we have been conditioned since birth to see them as absolute evil.
Tell me more about how peaceful Lemmy communist are.
Right above that likely fake nazi I also see a likely real communist wanting to kill white people .
Tell me more about how compassionate communist are. You want to see more screenshots of Lemmy communist wishing death?
Very rare. Most are probably online trolls. The communist killed millions more than the nazi's and the internet is full if them.
If you have yo jump to Nazi's to make your point you've already lost the argument. Its just a symbol. Almost no one is an actual Nazi. What people are really saying is be tolerant of alternative health views . be tolerant of anti VAX views. Be tolerant of Karen's and listen to their complaints.
Every single link you just shared is fake news.
Ask anyone who goes to MAGA rallies and they will tell you the same thing. No nazis. Unless its FEDS playing dress up for a photoshoot with CNN.