They are only two years apart.
The purpose of the Electoral College was to guarantee that the president was elected by the states and not the people. So you are half right, the electoral college can interfere if it’s not what the states want. While there are some states that want to always go with the popular vote not all are on board.
One of my favorite fun facts about video game consoles is that both the PlayStation and CD-i exist largely due to Nintendo being an ass to Sony and Phillips while looking for a CD-ROM add-on for the SNES to compete with the Sega CD. After getting the run around, both companies basically said ‘fine fuck it we are making our own consoles with blackjack and hookers…’
Did they ever make the excess ink parts user replaceable?
That they weren’t in some models kept me from getting one when I was in the market a few years ago.
It’s almost one step further to be honest; by tying politics to religion they have both tapped people’s blind faith and essentially equated not being a conservative to being a sinner.
I’ve heard things like “I am voting for [candidate] because they are a good Christian” all my life growing up in the southernish US.
I don’t understand why so many people here keep saying that it’s too hard to make a small phone when all these companies literally make watches with 5G connections…
1984 was a great book, but its Brave New World that captures the current state of things a bit better. The main difference being that in Brave New World people welcome the technologies as conveniences, ignoring the implications until it’s too late.
That has already begun, we are at least 10 years in.
Betas outlived VHSs by several years. It wasn’t Betas that caused Sony to act like that with BluRays, it was DATs.
People aren’t okay with mediocrity. Monopolistic practices make it hard to have other choices.
I would argue it is closer to 60 years.