Yeah but without email aliases it would not be worth it
I did weeks of work migrating every password and email address to proton. Sucks the stances they are taking but now I’m kinda stuck, and it’s still better than Google.
That’s merely an anchoring effect. Mastadon was the first of those technologies, and activitypub itself was heavily inspired by replicating Twitter so it was also the most straightforward implementation. Lastly, a lot of the far more favorited social media platforms rely on either strong content creators or social network effects to succeed, whereas Twitter creates enough bubbles and is less focused on people you actually know IRL that it doesn’t suffer as much from this problem.
You don’t understand correlation and causation apparently, just pointing at stats and grunting without reasoning about them. The effective number of people using fediverse platforms being almost inverse of the number of people using non fediverse platform corollaries shows if anything that fediverse itself is facing an adoption problem, not that Twitter is the best platform for it to emulate.
I mean publicly available stats of 11million users somehow proves your point? Facebook has 3 billion users. X has 600 million but over half are bots. 1 in 5 of those accounts are American. So that’s about 1/5th of the people in America have a twitter account. How much they post would be much more complicated stat.
Here it is being ranked 12th most popular social media.
So yeah, I’m glad we are now focusing on emulating actually popular social media like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. We can have an X clone but why did we start with one?
Can I just say that personally I don’t know anyone who wants to publicly microblog. Like that’s just such a niche type of social media. People want to participate in anonymous threads like Reddit, or post to friends like Instagram or facebook, but only celebrities and public figures want to microblog.
IME a language is as good as its package manager and libraries, and cargo is great.
Go routines are certainly special and hard to match, but rust has all the normal abstractions of a language like C, just with a borrow checker so you can avoid memory leaks, write after read, etc.
I don't know but I don't think rust has that problem. In fact I've always thought its data ownership paradigm is literally the most optimal approach to concurrency and parallelism. I really love using rayon in rust for instance.
I think once you get into rust you just have a hard time going back, and it doesn't feel "hard" anymore. I can practically rust as easily as I can python for scripting and for API servers.
Rust really only gets hard when doing library development IMO. That's when you need lifetimes and well chosen types. But that's also why Rust libraries are superb.
Armed resistance, as it always has, can only actually come from the military. They are bound by oath to constitutional defense. So... maybe?
But IRL, if you look at history, civil unrest does not stop these things. They are stopped ultimately by wars with foreign militaries. All successful revolutions have monied and powerful interests backing them. You and I aren't doing anything without joining a state sponsored militia. That's just how the game of history is played. I opt out. I'd rather live in the woods than fight in a civil war.
I think it’s a big overexageration that leaving meta is social suicide. Call your friends.
One thing we do need to replace though is meetup. I thrive there but organizing on meetup is terrible and expensive.