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[–] 6 points 11 months ago (17 children)

Atheism isn't faith-based. If you show me reproducible evidence for the existence of a god, I'll change my tune no problem.

You are not clear on what faith is if you believe atheism to be faith-based. Atheism wouldn't even exist if religion did not. Because religion and unfounded beliefs are so common, there is an actual name for not believing in a god. There aren't a lot of specific terms for a lack of belief in other things without evidence.

[–] 41 points 11 months ago (2 children)

Same. Thought maybe some local woodworker produced a beautiful lectern.

No, turns out it's from amazon with some spray paint and Arkansas is just being Arkansas.

[–] 14 points 11 months ago (2 children)

Not going to agree with the commenter above, but I want to point out that this happens a lot:

A person who holds views that are detrimental to others comes to a community of those people and cries "why, when I am not quite like other people who hold these views, but agree with them on the detrimental stuff about you, do you not accept me?"

The people in the community try repeatedly to explain why holding views that harm others is harmful and that the person asking may need to revaluate their own views.

The person then says they're being attacked. Everything they predicted about this community is coming true! They feel like they're being kicked out!

And they are! Because when they came to engage then didn't change, let alone evaluate, any of their own views, the community rightly showed them back to the door until they are ready to actually listen and put themselves in someone else's shoes.

I am sure you feel like you have been badly treated at this point. What you do with that now is up to you. I'll say this: I have no hate for you, I would like nothing more than to give you some feedback that might help change how you view some things. I hope there is enough food for thought here for everyone.

[–] 2 points 11 months ago (3 children)

I understand, that's why I was trying to translate their statement into reality-based words. I thought you were defending their position based on your response.

[–] 6 points 11 months ago (5 children)

But .. they don't mail the pills randomly. A person in the state where it is outlawed is requesting something from a state where it is not.

I don't see how the CA doctors are in any way colonizing anything.

[–] 27 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (9 children)

The California Catholic Conference opposed the law, arguing the state is "engaging in ideological colonization against states and citizens that do not want abortion."

Are ... are they trying to say CA doctors are mailing abortion pills to people who didn't ask for them? What does this statement mean? Maybe what they meant was something like: "We do not believe women have a basic right to control their body, whether those women are Catholic or not, and that control should rest with the government of the state they reside in."

[–] 1 points 11 months ago

Since it seems we are covering personal opinions, I think this is like all pride: sometimes it can be good and sometimes it can be toxic, often depending on who the person feeling prideful is.

[–] 1 points 11 months ago (2 children)

I made no value judgement on this. I just pointed out this is common and it is surprising if someone doesn't understand it.

You may not agree with it, but you understand it exists and that it is often tied to how someone is raised.

[–] 17 points 11 months ago (9 children)

Yes, many people are raised to have pride in the town, city, state, country or planet they are from. It's so common and cross-cultural that I am extremely surprised you would need an explanation by the time you're capable of writing comments on the Fediverse.

Now that we have the pedantry out of the way, how is your comment meant to be helpful or move us forward? If it's neither of those things, why are you doing it? All of this is rhetorical, of course. Just food for thought for us both.

[–] 1 points 11 months ago

For what it's worth, as a northeastern US liberal who has adopted y'all as an inclusive way to address people, this type of reaction is one of the things that has led to Trumpism.

A bit more temperance before you condemn tons of people based on something open for interpretation like this might be a worthwhile thing to consider going forward.

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