I use it everyday (typing this on it), but not as phone replacement. With the keyboard is a great ultra portable tiny laptop. I also have an old phone with Ubuntu Touch, that is a better candidate as android replacement.
I would like to see if the use of their API increased.
The general sentiment towards AI in the comments is mixed. There are concerns about the potential negative impacts of AI, particularly on jobs and the economy, but also recognition of the benefits that AI can bring.
Main Points Pro AI:
- AI can make life easier and more efficient, with examples given such as not needing to carry cash or visit a bank, and being able to read library books without going to the library.
- AI can potentially solve problems and provide more tools for problem-solving.
- Some people have jobs that wouldn't exist without technology, including AI.
- AI can automate mundane and repetitive tasks, freeing up humans to do more creative and complex work.
Main Points Against AI:
- AI can lead to job displacement, with concerns that it will be used to replace human workers, particularly by the wealthy and corporations.
- There are concerns about the potential for AI to be used to exploit the poor and increase wealth inequality.
- Some people have had negative experiences with AI, such as in customer service or automated ordering systems.
- There are fears that AI will be used by those in power to control and manipulate, rather than benefit, the average person.
- There is a concern that the current economic system is not equipped to handle the changes that AI will bring, potentially leading to social and economic instability.
Main points against AI, specifically points #2 and #4, do appear similar. However, I believe these concerns can be alleviated if we, as average individuals, adapt AI into our own contexts. If our current roles could potentially be replaced by AI, we should strive to harness this technology to augment our work. We should take an active role and participate in the changes AI brings, rather than merely being subjects of these changes. While corporations may have access to AI on a larger scale, we too have access to this technology and can utilize it to our advantage. My frustration would stem from a lack of access to these tools, not from the changes they bring about.
If you enjoy using older, less powerful computers, it's important to find a Linux distribution that can accommodate the limited resources. While extremely stripped-down distributions like Tinycore might seem appealing, they often lack the functionality and ease of use that come with more comprehensive distributions.
Instead, I would recommend learning how to use a window manager and forgoing a desktop manager. This approach allows you to maintain a lightweight system without sacrificing too much functionality.
When it comes to choosing a distribution, some are more bloated than others, so it's crucial to find one that offers a degree of flexibility during the installation process. In this regard, Debian is a great choice.
You can install Debian as a server, which will provide a minimal base system. From there, you can install a window manager and only the essential packages you need. This way, you can keep your system lean and efficient, perfect for older, low-powered computers.
Foliate <3
I don't know how others are using chatGPT for coding, but I found I get the best results when starting small and iterate over the results few times. Like:
- write a function to make a GET request;
- write a function to handle this example JSON;
- write a function that combines the first two;
- etc etc
I use it mostly for Typescript, Bash and Clojure and results vary from good to OK (Clojure). The whole process is way faster if you use a tool like sGPT.
The Nordics, Norway 🇳🇴 in particular (where I live). Also Hungary 🇭🇺 (where I lived for 11 years).
(I'm 🇮🇹)
The Linux community is indeed remarkable, but the multitude of available distributions can sometimes give an impression of fragmentation. When you discover the distribution that best fits your needs, it's important to remember not to take it personally. Avoid developing a bias towards your chosen distribution as it could potentially lead to unnecessary conflicts with others who prefer different distributions within the community.
test - please ignore
postmarketOS and UbuntuTouch