
joined 1 year ago
[–] ZILtoid1991@kbin.social 19 points 6 months ago

"Make your own games!"


"No! Not like that!"

[–] ZILtoid1991@kbin.social 3 points 6 months ago

A few scratches are nothing. Just let the cat take your hand, and it'll be fine.

[–] ZILtoid1991@kbin.social 4 points 6 months ago

Knowing what the Russian government truly are, the best outcome for Ukrainians in that case is a cultural genocide, with Ukrainian being banned and they'll be forced to learn Russian. This is already the case of territories currently or formerly under occupation.

[–] ZILtoid1991@kbin.social 6 points 6 months ago

I think a Trump win could mean at least soldiers being sent to Gaza and Ukraine being handed over to Putin in the name of "peace", which would fuel the territorial ambitions of other dictators. A lot of Hungarians are still mad about Treaty of Trianon, see Slovaks as a "fake nation created by the Habsburgs/Jews/communists", and this is only my country. China has it's own territorial ambitions, so are most other regimes.

[–] ZILtoid1991@kbin.social 20 points 6 months ago


Gaming's problem isn't wokeness, but are overbloated budgets and scope.

[–] ZILtoid1991@kbin.social 1 points 6 months ago

I'm a man, and I can confirm this. Even in grave danger, I wish I was having sex. When I'm coding in D, I chuckle at it's name and thinking about what if I named my variables after sex jokes.

[–] ZILtoid1991@kbin.social 1 points 6 months ago

I'd volunteer, but I'm already burdened with personal projects and the horribly underpaid work in Hungary's own "public work program" (pays half of minimum wage for an 8 hour job), so currently I cannot. That being said, if there ever were some paid opportunity (even part-time at minimum wage), I could finally say goodbye to my current job.

[–] ZILtoid1991@kbin.social 1 points 6 months ago

When I used to be right-wing, I believed in a world, where people will have democracy at their workplaces, and people will finally do away with work-moralization (I'm from a former Eastern Bloc country, and gulags and mandatory labor reinvented the protestant work ethics).

[–] ZILtoid1991@kbin.social 5 points 6 months ago

That's a chudjak, since I'm not a chud this does not apply to me.

[–] ZILtoid1991@kbin.social 6 points 6 months ago

Every little counts.

[–] ZILtoid1991@kbin.social 2 points 6 months ago (2 children)

Occasionally, you can find the actual right-libertarian, but they won't be that for very long. They either go full authoritarian once they find "self-help", turn into boring liberals, or become left-libertarians.

[–] ZILtoid1991@kbin.social 19 points 6 months ago (2 children)

On birth: not impossible, but will take an awful lot of training and lubricant.

VTuber rule (media.kbin.social)

Note 1: Do not harass anyone! It does not help the victim, and potentially just can garner sympathy to whoever the perpetrator is.

Note 2: Mafumafu did not specifically name Mikeneko, however everything about A-san lines up perfectly. He probably can't name whoever is she as he might have had to sign an NDA. So unless there's coincidentally another female creator with very similar life...

Full text of translation of Mafumafu's statement: https://twitter.com/idkbria/status/1750906672384503868

Long story short: After an article in a Japanese magazine have revealed his marriage, Mafumafu had to go explain some further details on his situation. He detailed his relationship, and the abuse he received, especially the extreme jealousy.

During the divorce settlement, multiple people, including A-san have harassed Mafumafu as a cheater and domestic abuser. There's also some accusations that Mafumafu have killed A-san's blind cat, which hurt him the most.

Since events are matching up with A-san being an online personality who's returning in a new form and the death of a blind cat, people are believing she was Mikeneko. One another thing is, when Mikeneko worked for Hololive and the whole drama has just started, Hololive only said the talent's private life is up to the talent, and did not deny accusation of the two dating and/or being married. https://twitter.com/ziltoid1991/status/1751260196494582165

Rulekeeper (media.kbin.social)
Ruledin (media.kbin.social)

My main issues are living in a country (Hungary), where a college degree would be almost mandatory for any dev jobs (mainly due to HR being dumb), also I'm disabled so my only job opportunity is a crappy government program one that pays half the minimum wage for full-time employment (!!!!!!), but this is the only no-12 hour shift and no-6AM starting option (most of which are also like 60+km from me, which means I would have to wake up even earlier, which isn't good for my health at all). however, not only a pay is very low, but also the 7AM starting is beginning to be way too much for my health. I'm already on sleeping pills to try to make myself fall asleep before midnight (almost impossible), and I also don't have the money to get my meds changed to something better at a private doctor. Of course no disability benefits, because "I'm not disabled enough", and otherwise I would just spend it on luxury cars (a common pre-2010 myth in Hungary was that disabled people could buy brand new Mercedeses).

I primarily have experience with game development (mainly from open source stuff), but without a long list of corporate experience, I have an even harder chance. I could work at other places too (I have some audio development experiences too), but would like to stay far away from web development.


Since I'm having untracable issues with Lua due to its API and lackluster documentation, I've decided to drop it from my game engine (PixelPerfectEngine) in favor of some easier to use alternatives.

What I need is:

  • open source
  • small footprint even if it at the cost of some complexity (I need it as a scripting engine, not as a replacement for compiled application languages)
  • integer support (I don't care if I could just round it on the backend)
  • C or C++ ABI
  • can be embedded into a software (yes, there are people that suggest you to use janky solutions like passing data in files and command line)

Even a better Lua implementation would suffice, and if I had the time, I would port the official one to D (my main language), while getting rid of the godawful stack method of control.

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