
joined 2 years ago
[–] YuccaMan@hexbear.net 21 points 1 year ago (11 children)

Actual Nazi propaganda. You get fucked

[–] YuccaMan@hexbear.net 44 points 1 year ago

Seriously. I recently read a paper somebody linked here which went over Russian artillery doctrine. Long and the short is that the Russians can get effective artillery fires on a target inside of three minutes under optimal conditions, particularly when using UAVs for spotting. They've also gotten into the habit of attaching mortars to infantry units and forming them up into mortar teams ad hoc, giving such units some quite potent local indirect fire support.

[–] YuccaMan@hexbear.net 8 points 1 year ago

Much appreciated. I could do with more specificity the next time I have to make this argument lol

[–] YuccaMan@hexbear.net 13 points 1 year ago

My BOY how is that not better than sleeping on a piece of cardboard on the sidewalk??

Anyhow, what, is every single home in China a flimsy shack? Can you dredge up one single solitary study on what percentage of homes in China are of substandard construction? Can you do any goddamned thing but regurgitate half-remembered unsubstantiated talking points from youtube from lord knows how long ago?

If you can, have it. Give us a source and we'll have a talk about it. Otherwise, shut the FUCK up

[–] YuccaMan@hexbear.net 13 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Literally no such thing. The Holodomor is a fiction created by Nazi propagandists to paint the failures of Soviet agricultural policy in dealing with a famine as a deliberate attempt to exterminate Ukranians.

Important to note, this was merely the latest in a long series of famines which had historically plagued this part of eastern Europe. It was also the last.

[–] YuccaMan@hexbear.net 7 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Hell, I dunno. This sort of thing got through to me eventually, maybe I'm hoping I can change minds myself.

[–] YuccaMan@hexbear.net 18 points 1 year ago (4 children)

That's not what he meant and you know it. He's making light of an obvious double standard regarding the standing in which we hold two sources with obvious national biases.

[–] YuccaMan@hexbear.net 5 points 1 year ago

For real though. It's hardly difficult to find a bunch of leftists arguing about China lmao

[–] YuccaMan@hexbear.net 8 points 1 year ago (2 children)

If you payed closer attention you'd notice that we have a range of opinions on China, and we don't all think everything they do is correct. That's what the term critical support means. It's a recognition that even socialist states are imperfect, as the nation state as an institution is fundamentally imperfect and will always and everywhere undermine freedom to some degree. But a state which is undergoing the transition to socialism, particularly one that's putting themselves in a position to undermine US imperial hegemony like China is, is well worth supporting, even as we acknowledge its flaws and contradictions.

What none of us will ever tolerate are accusations of genocide with one discredited religious fanatic as the source, or racist insults being hurled at their head of state, both things I've seen numerous times from users from other instances.

[–] YuccaMan@hexbear.net 29 points 1 year ago (10 children)

The CPC isn't genociding the Uyghurs Adrian Zenz, and you wouldn't give a crap even if they were. This is nothing but a convenient gotcha for you, you don't know a single Uyghur person. Don't know their names, their struggles, even their language, much less the language of the people you claim are genociding them. Which is why you're an intellectual hostage to the fabrications of a religious whackjob.

[–] YuccaMan@hexbear.net 23 points 1 year ago

Bruh Amtrak sucks because there's extremely low rail density in this country generally and they don't own any of their own tracks, so the (relatively) few trains that they do run are always getting waylaid by freight trains. Also maintenance requirements for rail companies is incredibly lax, which results in poorly maintained tracks, which limits the trains' speeds. All of this is a simple public investment problem.

Really now, you can't come in here with complete ignorance of why a thing is the way it is and say authoritatively that it all sucks, even in countries I'm 100% positive you've never been to. All generalized from a single personal anecdote.

I mean I guess you can, you did just do that, but you really shouldn't. It makes you sound foolish.

[–] YuccaMan@hexbear.net 12 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (6 children)

And did you at any point ask yourself why they own these things? Why Netflix the corporate entity owns media it did not produce while stiffing the people that did out of just compensation? Or how that information slightly complicates the otherwise simple nature of property and theft?

The only mental gymnast here is you bud. The simple fact is, labor creates value, and Netflix has no part in that. I doubt they even put up any of their own capital in producing these shows.

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