About fucking time
This will be Musk on mars.
Yeah I mean I guess I'm biased, pgh housing market hasn't really be affected and there aren't massive new housing plans like there are in the west. Here you can buy a house with good bones that needs cosmetic remodeling for 60,000
Yep. I live in the middle of nowhere, I'm not gonna start shopping at Walmart to give up amazon. Walmart was absolute shit first
I used to LOVE target but then they got rid of Mossimo, denim and flowers and anything else good they ever had and started carrying clothes for fucking Mennonites. Seriously, their clothes went from awesome to shit.
Probably harder to build than just fixing an existing house, but do you...
Lol no, cuz then my option is Walmart and I ain't doing that.
Yeah, like when he isn't president planes don't fucking crash. Might be a clue Donny Dildo-for-brains