
joined 1 year ago
[–] 17 points 7 hours ago* (last edited 7 hours ago)

More like Italy in the 1920s onwards. All Nazis are fascists, but not all fascists are Nazis.

For example, Nazis were big into public works projects and pretending to be socialists, both of which are anathema to the current American Fascist Party/GOP

Edit to clarify: I'm not saying that the MAGA cult aren't as bad as Nazis, in case there's any doubt. They're just a different shit flavor of fascists that are roughly as evil and deranged as the Nazis, Italian fascists, and Franco's fascists

[–] 1 points 10 hours ago

Hey. I’m going to block you now

Aww baby Republican-logic can't take the heat anymore? So sad 😭

You’re irrelevant to any discussion I could find myself in here as most of it is political in nature. I don’t care what you have to say about anything.

Yeah, because the only way to know about politics is physical proximity. Which is why you have never expressed an opinion regarding Palestine, Russia, North Korea, or US states you haven't visited. Right? 🙄

I’ve told you this to save you the time and energy, and you are clearly unhinged and cannot accept this

More projection and puffing yourself up 😄

I hate blocking people, but you’re starting to creep me out. Seriously

Says the weirdo who can't tell the difference between GPS coordinates, news articles, and political analysis 😆

[–] 1 points 10 hours ago (2 children)

More projection, lies, and evasion 😄

You really should learn some new tricks if you want to fool anyone with your whole rubber and glue act or at least stop sounding like a Republican 😄

[–] 1 points 10 hours ago (4 children)

Still not reading your rhetoric

You clearly are 😄

And trust me when I say this.

At this point you've lied so much and showed so limited understanding of ANYTHING that trusting you on a cloudless sky being blue is a risky endeavor, let alone a statement where you have clear incentive to lie or at the very least distort truth. So nah, won't be trusting you.

Might help if you finally answered at least one of these two completely straightforward questions:

What is my “perfectly clear“ agenda?

What misinformation have I spread?

[–] 0 points 10 hours ago (6 children)

Right… lol. How did I not predict that you would respond accusing mid bias

Probably because you didn't check before automatically assuming that the mods were right as if having authority makes them infallible?

Look, I get that cognitive dissonance is a bitch for a lot of people, but trust me when I say this. The sooner you learn to control it, the better everyone will be.

This you?

I’m ending this now

Somehow I doubt it 🙄

I’ve given you enough rope and you performed as well as predicted.

Yup, that picture is DEFINITELY you.

May your day be as pleasant as you've been throughout this conversation.

[–] 1 points 11 hours ago* (last edited 11 hours ago) (8 children)

I thought I dismissed you

Still laboring under delusions of grandeur, I see. You're still not the boss of me.

Your opinion is irrelevant to me

Which only makes it all the more weird that you keep reiterating it like a mantra 😄

If the topic comes to the 2025 election in Denmark, you’re welcome to summarily dismiss me when I start telling people who they should support

Again, never told anyone who to support. Speaking of, what's that agenda I "clearly" have? If it's so clear, it should be easy for you to say what you think I'm trying to achieve.

Yeah, your mod logs show how much misinformation and propaganda you spread here.

Which is none. I'm aware that twice a biased mod has called a comment of mine misinformation in their mod log note, but in both cases the mod was upset about me saying something objectively true that they didn't like.

Such as the fact that insisting on knowingly supplying weapons with which to commit genocide in spite of the people you're supposed to represent urging you to stop makes you an accomplice to genocide.

So what misinformation do you think I've been spreading? Tell me one objectively false thing from my mod log or my other post and comment history. Go ahead.

[–] -1 points 11 hours ago (10 children)

Do you know what an ad hominem fallacy is? I bet you think you do, but since you keep committing them, I'm going to remind you:

An ad hominem fallacy is when you completely ignore the argument in favor of illogically focusing on the person making the argument or an irrelevant aspect of that person. It's frowned upon by people who like to argue logically and it's uncivil to boot.

Now back to our regularly scheduled programming!

If you think that your opinion of our election should be relevant to us- then you must advocate for the fact that my opinion of your opinion is also relevant.

Nope. Whether I'm from Denmark, Denver, or Djibouti has no bearing on the soundness of my arguments.

Your irrelevant feelings about the fact that I can read and form opinions about conditions without showing up in person doesn't even qualify as an opinion.

It's just a knee jerk xenophobic reaction or an excuse to keep yammering at me without saying anything.

Or you can stop posting about it.

Nope. You're not the boss of me. You don't decide what I can or cannot do.

2007 called and even they think that shit is cringy.

Late 90s called, they want their "x called, they want their y back" format back. Careful you don't drown in your own hypocrisy.

[–] 29 points 11 hours ago

Their accusations are usually confessions, after all..

[–] -1 points 11 hours ago* (last edited 11 hours ago) (12 children)

But you still cared enough to feel that you had to tell me?

[–] -2 points 11 hours ago (14 children)

You do know your comment history is public, right?

Yep and I stand by it.

Because aside from the metric fuckton of misinformation that is removed when you post

What's that even supposed to mean? Could you try reformatting it into a syntax readable by humans?

you CLEARLY have an agenda to push on an election that you have nothing to do with.

Nope. Just correcting objectively inaccurate statements where applicable and expressing my opinion in other cases. What agenda are you imagining me to be pursuing?

Go sit down

You first. Must be exhausting to be so pompous with so little understanding to lean on, so you must need a rest more than I do.

When Denmark becomes relevant to our election, we’ll call you.

If you're the one doing the honors, I won't pick up.

[–] 3 points 12 hours ago

True. I guess he wants them to be like Faux News and himself and just invent nonsense 🤷

[–] 1 points 12 hours ago (16 children)

Never told anyone how to vote, so you can pack that strawman away.

We have a saying over here: when America sneezes, Europe catches a cold.

We live in an interconnected world where what the world's foremost superpower does profoundly effects literally billions of people.

There's nothing weird about a European being interested in and knowledgeable about American politics.

Dismissing my input based on geography alone ON THE INTERNET makes it a good thing that no one has the obligation to take anything a fool like you says seriously at all either.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by to c/

cross-posted from:

The IRS has collected $1.3 billion from high-wealth tax dodgers since last fall, the agency announced Friday, crediting spending that has ramped up collection enforcement through President Joe Biden’s signature climate, health care and tax package signed into law in 2022.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel traveled to Austin, Texas, to tour an IRS campus and announce the latest milestone in tax collections as Republicans warn of big future budget cuts for the tax agency if they take over the White House and Congress.

Yellen said in a speech in Austin that in 2019, the top one percent of wealthy Americans owed more than one-fifth of all unpaid taxes, “leaving ordinary Americans to shoulder the burden.”


cross-posted from:

In June 2023, Paul Skye Lehrman and his partner Linnea Sage were driving near their home in New York City, listening to a podcast about the ongoing strikes in Hollywood and how artificial intelligence (AI) could affect the industry.

The episode was of interest because the couple are voice-over performers and - like many other creatives - fear that human-sounding voice generators could soon be used to replace them.

This particular podcast had a unique hook – they interviewed an AI-powered chat bot, equipped with text-to-speech software, to ask how it thought the use of AI would affect jobs in Hollywood.

But, when it spoke, it sounded just like Mr Lehrman.

That night they spent hours online, searching for clues until they came across the site of text-to-speech platform Lovo. Once there, Ms Sage said she found a copy of her voice as well.

They have now filed a lawsuit against Lovo. The firm has not yet responded to that or the BBC's requests for comment.

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