
joined 3 years ago
[–] 10 points 1 week ago

Nice try FBI

[–] 5 points 1 week ago

Total pinko shit.

[–] 5 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Nope. Let's not do this.

[–] 14 points 1 week ago (3 children)

There's also ghostarchive, which they cannot block

[–] 7 points 2 weeks ago

What happened next will shock you

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago

Try ringing it

[–] 0 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

Birthing children is exploitation by the parents I will not elaborate

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago – Stephen King wrote a book about a timetraveller who goes back to that day to try prevent Doctor Who from airing (presumably because it spilt the beanbean about timetravel)


and Aldous Huxley died while on LSD

Fun day.

Also, I learned that Doctor Who is considered a single TV series that has run for 60 years, not a bunch of remakes. (That might be common knowledge, I've never watched it.)

[–] 8 points 3 weeks ago

powerful posting.

[–] 9 points 3 weeks ago

Who are the two faces?

[–] 5 points 1 month ago has a tracker: currently 291 days without a Kant/can't pun


This means that if another country's military is capable of ending a person's life, the USA must find a way to one-up that somehow. Otherwise both fighting forces are equally lethal.

What does she have planned? Do they have a weapon that can destroy the eternal soul?


It seems like we went extended family 👉 nuclear family 👉 lonely atomisation

But history isn't inevitable trends. Any signs community might grow/strengthen in the future?


Will we mine He3 on the moon?

Will we just do deuterium-deuterium fusion because the fuel is abundant and the output is good-enough?

Will we source tritium from.... where?


cross-posted from:

Why gain muscle?

How much muscle will I gain?

For men:

  • Year one: 20-25lb, 9-11⅓kg
  • Year two: 10-12lb, 4½-5½kg
  • Year three: 5-6lb, 2½kg
  • All subsequent years: minimal amounts

So overall about 14-16kg above baseline

For women: Half the above.

How to gain muscle?

Do three things and you'll gain muscle:

  • Eat a caloric surplus
  • Eat a protein surplus
  • Expose your muscles to high levels of tension (i.e. lift)

How much caloric surplus?

14-16 kcal per pound of bodyweight is your baseline

  • Year one: 175 calories/dayover baseline
  • Year two: 120 calories/day over baseline
  • Year three: 60 calories/day over baseline


How much protein?

2.5-3.0 g per kilogram of bodyweight


How much/what kind of muscle tension?

You need high tension but also the right volume. High tension means 70-85% 1RM. No need to lift more than 85% of 1RM.

doi:10.1249/00005768-197500740-00003 and doi:10.2165/00007256-200737030-00004 are the classic papers on this.

30-60 reps per session: 3 sets of 10, and sometimes two different exercises per bodypart

5×5 is fine too; things like the Madcow or Stronglifts 5×5 give about the same muscle-tension as 3×10, and muscle tension is the whole point.

Train twice per week. The research is clear on this. Three times is not better than twice.

More complicated ways of getting that muscle tension

Heavy negatives (130% of 1RM) work but volume should be very low: 14-16 seconds of tension per session

Isometrics: A study doing 10 seconds of isometrics, three times a day (30s/day), six days a week, had the best gains in bicep size

I said three workouts a week is not better than two, but there might be an exception in the first week of a mesocycle. So a mesocycle would be: train four times a week for one week, train twice a week for five weeks, rest a week, repeat.


Basically dress up the economics as futurism instead of tankie shit with its associations.

Marx said we should hold the means of production in common, and follow a socially beneficial plan. But a lot of audiences would roll their eyes and close their ears as soon as I said Marx.

If instead I say, "Artificial intelligence and computerised logistics are becoming so sophisticated we can think about phasing out the human element of management. We can choose democratically what we want the robots to do and they will produce it for us."

This might sound like subterfuge to some of you, but it's not actually dishonest. It's a correct way to describe a Marxian economy. I replaced the phrase "the means of production" with "the robots".

The real win here is you get around "It's easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism." People don't expect a Marxist world revolution. People don't expect the fall of capitalism. But people totally do expect robots and AI in the coming decades.


e.g. []( would mention a hexbear user on hexbear

But if I'm posting on Instance A, tagging a user with an account on Instance B, do I change the first part of the link only? Or both? What is the correct syntax please and thank you.

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