
joined 9 months ago

They have said that for so many years that at those point we could have had multiple power plants running...

[–] UndercoverUlrikHD@programming.dev 40 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Surprised it wasn't woodworking

[–] UndercoverUlrikHD@programming.dev 5 points 1 week ago (1 children)

The amount of copilots are getting out hand, are people able to keep track of all of them?

The copilot autocomplete and copilot chat are great QoL tools, but trying to have it generate complete PR for a given issue seems... optimistic.

I'm surprised Matthew concludes that it might actually be useful for some people honestly.

[–] UndercoverUlrikHD@programming.dev 6 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Protein quality. Whey (isolated milk protein) is "goat" for a reason. It contains all essential amino acids you want + good ratio of leucine.

For something like chicken, the macros are also noteworthy. 100g of chicken is 23g protein, 2.1g fat and 0 carbs.

Lentils have 3x more carbs than protein, peanuts have 25g protein, 32g carbs and 39g fat. So it isn't food that lends itself to a high (ratio) protein diet unless supplemented with something that got better macros (like meat).

Here's a nutrition lecture for macros lectured by a medical doctor with focus being on diet for weight-lifters, if you want some insight into it.

[–] UndercoverUlrikHD@programming.dev 4 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Can't read the tweet as Twitter is blocked on Firefox, but my guess would be closer ties with NSA, i.e. NSA can exert more control and monitoring of the data openai collects.

[–] UndercoverUlrikHD@programming.dev 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

New mods have already been added to the community

Yeah, half of those entries is me stepping in as an admin to ban/remove users breaking instance wide rules, which supersedes community specific moderation. In fact, all of those entries are either admins or automod stepping in.

Thank you for the recommendation, looks interesting if it supports venv.

[–] UndercoverUlrikHD@programming.dev 2 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Ah, my bad. Seems like ublock breaks the format of the webpage so I missed that part of the header. Still on 3.11 as it's a chore to reinstall packages, so I guess it still apply.

[–] UndercoverUlrikHD@programming.dev 6 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

PEP 701 seems like a good QoL improvement. Honestly not sure in what scenarios nesting of f-strings should be needed.


cross-posted from: https://programming.dev/post/11357795

I've been thinking about writing my own workout logger that better fits my use and I'd like to hear some recommendations on what language or framework to use.

I don't have any prior experience with mobile development nor with Java or Kotlin, and C++ I suspect would be needlessly low level for the features I'd like to include.

Features is like to include in the app is capability of recording video, playing video/audio, creating graphs and opening up in-app tabs. Fancy ui and animations is not of much importance.

Any recommendations on what languages to use and what libraries might be of interest to get going?


Not sure what causes it, but about 7% of the times I try to comment on a post, the app will crash and restart, failing to post the comment. Unless the comment was manually saved, the comment will also be completely gone, forcing you to rewrite the whole comment.

It seems to happen mostly on longer comments when the app have spent some time in the "comment" state. It's possible that leaving the app (not closing it) and reopen the window is part of what triggers the bug.

Android version 9, the bug has been persistent through multiple versions of the app, including the latest version available at the play store.

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