
joined 1 year ago
[–] 5 points 3 months ago (1 children)

would still get restricted because they’re contentious. Like if you start talking about how you believe in equal rights, that’s something most people agree with (at least in principle,) and it shouldn’t be political. But it’s going to ruffle some feathers anyways (especially if you get any more specific than that,) so it’d be restricted.

If this is the best example you can come up with, it is fairly unconvincing that any mainstream political will be restricted.

[–] 24 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Let's be honest. If China became a liberal democracy now and keeps their economic trajectory, would the US really be cheering them on? When it means that China's GDP will surpass that of the USA in about a decade and double that of the US in two more decades after that? Will America be okay with China becoming the leader of the free world and become China's junior partner a la Britain?

The honest answer is no to all of the above questions. The strategy has never been to hope that China turns liberal when they get rich and powerful because America doesn't want China to get truly rich and powerful. China's political system is of secondary concern for the West. Their increasing wealth and strength is what really bothers the US.

[–] 22 points 7 months ago (3 children)

We also saw something that really stood out, which is that the PRC believed the United States was in terminal decline — that our industrial base had been hollowed out, that our commitment to our allies and partners had been undercut, that the United States was struggling to manage a once-in-a-century pandemic, and that many in Beijing were openly proclaiming that “the East was rising and the West was falling.”

Sullivan can't get away with this. He can't just say a banger line like this and continue on without addressing it.

[–] 1 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

This is the future if Trump becomes the president.

[–] 5 points 7 months ago (1 children)

The disrespect of not even including Argentina after listing all those countries is astounding. Milei is groveling and licking your feet while barking like a dog just to be included.

[–] 7 points 7 months ago

Nah I always try pulling this stuff, so I'm bound to get a few misses. Sometimes I have to learn to take an L.

It's always good seeing you around and goodnight!

[–] 5 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (2 children)

I was trying to criticize the tacit view that the Spanish/Portuguese conquest of Americas was a net positive by confusing Koreans and Aztecs.

If Japanese colonialism and forced labor of Koreans is wrong, then the same action that the Spanish did is just as wrong too since people try to inject nuance for that colonization.

I thought that it was a pretty funny comment but it didn't workout this time. I'm going to send myself off to reeducation.

[–] 7 points 7 months ago

The shareholder’s lawyers argued that the compensation package should be voided because it was dictated by Musk and was the product of sham negotiations with directors who were not independent of him. They also said it was approved by shareholders who were given misleading and incomplete disclosures in a proxy statement.

The compensation agreement itself is suspect as Musk himself had over 1/4 of the total voting share and other directors were controlled by him as well. As an example, a shareholder who holds 51% of the shares can't just choose to legally print himself more of the stock at the expense of the 49% and that is what the lawsuit is alleging.

[–] 1 points 7 months ago

Link me the 5ch thread so that I can laugh with you!

[–] 1 points 7 months ago

Naomi Osaka definitely sparked a convo about whether she was Japanese enough to represent Japan, but she hasn't lived in the country since she was three.

The exact opposite of what's going on with Carolina, the model in question.

[–] 1 points 7 months ago

Why are you putting words in my mouth you weirdo.

Either give me a source that has a prominent Japanese publication or a talking head decrying the decision or stay put.


While some decry Canada's MAID (Medically Assistance In Dying) program as the biggest existential threat to disabled people since Nazi Germany, others point to budgetary savings that the program is offering.

The program continues to expand at an accelerated rate. People who were not dying were eligible for the treatment starting 2021, and those suffering from mental health conditions are eligible for the program starting April 2024. The Parliament is investigating whether children ("mature minors") deserve the right to MAID as well. Initial reports suggest that it may be our moral imperative to offer them the gift of choice. (p.54-p61)[]

4.1% of all deaths in Canada were attributed to the program in 2022 and the expansion only continues.


Only a third of Hongkongers who have moved to the UK in recent years have found full-time jobs, even though most are highly educated, according to a British university survey targeting BN(O) visa holders.

Despite coming from a strong educational background, many migrants struggled to make full use of their professional expertise after relocating, according to the online survey carried out by the University of Liverpool. The university polled 1,310 Hongkongers, most of whom had moved to the United Kingdom after the imposition of the national security law in 2020.

Only 30 per cent had found full-time jobs, while 18 per cent were working part time or as freelancers. About 18 per cent were unemployed and 15 per cent described themselves as homemakers.

The survey found 78.4 per cent of all respondents had received a tertiary education, with 30 per cent holding a master’s degree or higher academic qualifications.

Ricci Yue Pak-hong, the author of the study, said the results showed a “significant” number of migrants from the city might have had to switch from professional or managerial roles to primary industry or elementary work.

Jobs that fall under the category include unskilled or semi-skilled work such as cashiers, retail associates and goods delivery.


Just agree with them about the election initially. This is the biggest election of our lives. Our very democracy, sacred founding father Greco-Roman democracy^tm^, is at stake. I don't like Biden either but he has to be elected or the soul of our nation's doomed.

But wait, we don't live in one of the 5 battleground states. Our votes don't matter due to the electoral college. The only reason to vote for Biden is to show our approval since the results won't be affected.

The only righteous thing to do would be to vote third party or spoil the vote to show disapproval at the government. You don't really like Biden, do you?

Substitute Biden for Trump when talking to red liberals.


This is a big moment for me everybody. I have been kicked off of reddit almost instantly due to the spell, but I've been forced to wander the fediverse for a long time since my CCP handlers normally don't allow me to stop posting. However, I found a cure while mindlessly scrolling through the front page.

I'm making this very quick post to thank all of you before the Great Fire Wall swoops in to prevent me from reading the spell in full, allowing me to realize my inner liberal self and deprogram from the Chinese propaganda.

As a thanks, I will reveal the real COVID agend

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

We all know that the west uses two different words for the same thing depending on where it is happening.

e.g. Secret Police vs Plainclothes Officer
Regime vs Government

Can we have a compilation thread of these words? I am probably using many of them unconsciously without critical examination.


On a lovely Sunday, my brain decided to remember the Jeff Bezos Fanfiction that was published by the Atlantic, one of the most respected magazines in the West.

An excerpt: "He possessed some palpable intelligence and confidence that made his friendliness feel optional, as if he was a good guy by choice rather than by requirement. Or maybe I just thought that because I knew he’d gone to Harvard."

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