
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 3 months ago

I'm reading this directly after a long day of social interactions with strangers. My social battery hit zero about two hours before the event was over and it still had two hours of talking to my kid(I love him to the bone, but I just can't handle the nonstop talking when I'm this drained) and I got a surprise phone call from my family on top of all that

Safe to say I'm not gonna willingly talk to anyone for the next 24 hours. Just wanted to say I know the feeling and I hope you get the chance to decompress soon

[–] 1 points 4 months ago

Yep, that's pretty much the standard salad where I live. Most people understand that's not really healthy, but it still feels healthier than bread sticks and butter. The cherry tomatoes are the extra convincing we need to actually call it "healthy"

[–] 8 points 4 months ago

I've had to train literally hundreds of people over the various jobs I've had and it causes me to over explain in almost every conversation.

I got two tricks to figure out how much someone knows about a topic and encourage them to ask questions rather than lie just to avoid being a little uncomfortable.

First, I look for them to use vocabulary that I haven't already mentioned or if they seem to understand something just by using a couple words.

Second, I ask them to explain something early in the conversation to make it easier to ask if they don't understand something later. It's usually really simple, but it really does work to lower communication barriers.

I like to think it makes us feel more like equals trading expertise, rather than like I'm some authority talking down to them.

I hope this helps anyone

[–] 4 points 4 months ago (5 children)

Cherry tomatoes are the things you put in a salad at a restaurant to feel healthy, then pick them out once you get back to the table.

[–] 3 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (5 children)

Unfortunately judges can be corrupted too. They can accept bribes to rule favorably and their clerks can charge unsolicited fees to lose files or giving access to judicial decisions before they're scheduled to release.

Absolute power currupts absolutely.

[–] 6 points 8 months ago

Yeah, I experience this all the time. I've got dozens of interests and I often find myself in the same situation where I've put too much energy into research and now I don't have any left for actually doing it.

Here's what I do, I take a day away from whatever it is and the next day I put together the smallest thing I can do, rather than the best. It's even better if you can just use what you already have, supplies and research included.

In your case, cooking is perfect for this way of doing things. You can play with the recipe as you're making it. And unless you're dealing with raw meat at that moment, you can taste as you go to get everything just right. I recommend a simple vegetable soup. There's almost always some vegetables laying around in my fridge or cupboard and there's so many ways you can make it yours. Some veggies, tomatoes, water, and a couple spices is the simplest way.

After that, try swapping some parts out, maybe broth instead of water, or throw in some chopped chicken, or swap tomatoes for heavy cream and a pinch of flour, or play with the amount of ingredients, maybe more tomatoes and less veggies, or more veggies and less water.

I hope this helps and I'm sorry this is so long. Cooking is one of my favorite things and I think everyone should get to enjoy making their own food.

[–] 4 points 8 months ago

Yeah, I never liked them. They're designed to keep you in their app as long as possible, not to get matched with people you actually vibe with.

I met my fiance through a hookup app, but that was a complete fluke. The app didn't help me get to know him any better than it did for anyone else I met. It was mostly our time spent together in person that made me fall in love enough to propose. As soon as we started dating, I deleted that app and never looked back.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Not op, but I'd say it's easy to guess why people care about numbers so much. Main reason is because it feels like making a statement and that feels good. It's a tiny amount of effort for a bigger dopamine reward.

It's just as easy to guess why people don't care about them either. They don't affect anything and can feel meaningless as a result. It just depends on the person

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I can't say for sure it's the song you mean, but rich men north of Richmond has suddenly popped into my feed and it's a damn good song. It really resonates with me about working to death just to survive.

To be clear, I'd love to listen to your special interests as well. It was just a funny coincidence you mentioned a country song everyone is obsessed with on the same day I came across it too

[–] 7 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Honestly at this point, even a low corruption government seems harder than balancing a boulder on a toothpick for the super powers of the world

[–] -1 points 1 year ago (4 children)

No, you obviously don't do it after every transaction. You save the change until you have plenty saved up and then exchange it for bills. This is what like every single person does.

What a strange person

[–] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I understand what you're saying, but I don't think that's what the meme was meaning. I think it meant when you leave empty handed, it looks like you're shoplifting. That makes you nervous and you start acting weird which makes you look even more suspicious and more nervous. Wash, rinse, and repeat till you get home and cry because social situations are awkward and hard and life would be so much easier if I was alone on a deserted island like Tom Hanks in that one movie.

... I might've lost track towards the end, but you get the idea.

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