
joined 1 year ago
[–] 13 points 3 weeks ago (5 children)

"Don't say things about someone behind their back, if you wouldn't be prepared to say it to their face"

[–] 49 points 1 month ago (2 children)

It's fairly simple... Gender-affirming care is ok if THEY do it.

[–] 18 points 1 month ago

I learned not to say things about people behind their back, that you'd not be prepared to say to their face, aged 14.

Cost me a black eye & split lip, also some pride. Valuable lesson though that stuck with me to this day over 2 decades later.

Knoble, sorry for calling you Knobless.

[–] 19 points 1 month ago

My dad is a pensioner now, and got put in a lovely bungalow by local housing association. It came with with a lovely garden, and he was really excited by the prospect of a cherry tree.

Well, the cherries are ready, and the birds ate the lot!

[–] 3 points 2 months ago

And if you ever get close to him? ...... he'll betray you, too.

[–] 21 points 3 months ago (8 children)

My initial response is prob as sarcastic as the others but a thought just occurred to me.

Skyrim, v1. The og release, before all the mods and bug fixes.

Undoubtedly still a better game than Star field. But was it the Skyrim we revere today? Will Starfield be transformed into something fun over the next decade?

What am I on about. Almost certainly not lol.

[–] 24 points 3 months ago

Not fucking up the f/c Fallout London mod would've also gotten me to play more (or at least, again). I played & enjoyed FO4 on PS, bought it again for Steam specifically for the new mod.

It'll sit unplayed until the mod is ready!

[–] 8 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Ahhhh fascinating.

For years, I've been adamant that when I stir a cup of hot tea or coffee, the pitch of the scraping spoon almost imperceptibly shifts, and assumed it was because of the gradual slight cooling of the water. Nobody else could seem to hear what I heard.

Wasn't sure if it was my music producer ears or imagination.

[–] 1 points 5 months ago

Makes sense, cheers for the info.

[–] 5 points 5 months ago (2 children)

I've always thought... Why can't we put a perspex dome or something like thick clingfilm over a landfill site, and tap the methane?

[–] 1 points 8 months ago

Thanks for the info.

[–] 2 points 8 months ago (2 children)

I got banned from a... what are we calling them... sublemmy?... on here for being 'aggressively negative'. I voiced my disapproval of a character that I didn't like in a TV show, which included one F-bomb. Some people on here are way too sensitive.


Hey all.

Finally in my 40s I'm fortunate enough (with a lot of family help & a mortgage) to be buying a home. It's end-of-terrace; just spoke to the surveyor today after he's done most of the inspection and he's found a lot of structural problems.

Feeling a bit defeated, it's taken so long to get to this stage of having an offer accepted, and being close to exchanging contracts. It's an old house so while I wasn't expecting it to be fault-free, I'm quite disappointed and I guess looking for some advice / reassurance.

Not got the report in text yet but he mentioned potential subsidence; rising damp; cracked walls; problem with the chimney stack; window frames; and others. Said it's all stuff that can be fixed, but potentially expensive. My plan is to wait for the text report next week, then contact the estate agent and attempt to negotiate a price reduction in line with the cost of the repairs, which imo will run into at least £15k. Considering it's on the market for £85k, and the owner wouldn't even put the electric on for viewing because she didn't want to pay £1 a day standing charge, I'm anticipating some pushback.

But, should I even bother? Is this 'sunk cost fallacy' at play? I certainly feel like if they're not prepared to negotiate re repairs then I have to walk away as I could buy a well-maintained property round here for the total cost of around £100k!

Any advice much appreciated.


Making this post because for some reason this show has flown completely under the radar for many. I had no idea it existed until it was mentioned on a comedian podcast I listen to (Bud Pod).

Of course, the BBC have kindly deleted it from their catalogue. Not sure of the rules here re pirated content so won't post any links, but I found it on both Internet Archive and torrent (torrent is much better quality). It also features a young Benedict Wong, his character is so different from how we know him today!

Well worth a watch, especially if you're a fan of Sean Lock.


10 years ago, I'd have put my ability to visualise at 0 out of 10. Practice and occasional halucinogen use has got me to 2 out of 10. It causes no end of problems in day to day life, so I'm interested to hear if anyone has tips or just experiences to share so it doesn't feel such a lonely frustrating issue.

edit informative comment from about image streaming, I did a bit of digging on the broken links, the Dr isn't giving the info away for free anymore without buying their (expensive) book, but I found some further info on additional techniques here, pages 2/3:


A rare moment where I regret having disabled all the NVIDIA stuff that lets me screen record. Space storms! Wtf? Since when do we get storms in space?

The planet it was happening around was type 'shrouded in ash'. Was this a glitch, or a feature? As soon as I got to the system, I thought I was in a space battle at first with all the booms and flashes. There was a weird sort of smoke around the planet, blue lightning sparking all around it.


Obv I don't want to get too deep into privatisation weeds as we don't want to get into the dreaded (whispers) politics in this comm. But I'm interested to know if other people are noticing the postal service deteriorating.

Mail for other houses (my door number is clearly marked)... delivery timelines missed... then the icing on the cake, had a delivery that was supposed to come up to Newcastle delivered while I'm not at home, they left it in a 'safe place' despite one not being designated.

Want to hear what the 'safe place' was? Out on the street, jammed behind a random neighbours wheelie bin! So yeah that's £110 of new clothes gone to some lucky local who swiped it. Boooo, Royal Mail, booooo!

To counteract the whinge, I just made a banging pizza almost from scratch. Success!


Heya all. As per title, I'm looking for a good dark theme for qbittorrent. So far I've tried three (MumbleDark, Dracula, DarkStyleSheet), and they all have black text on dark grey background for unselected torrents.

This, imo, is about as clever as going 4000m underwater in a rinkydink submersible that's barely rated for 2000m. Surely someone wouldn't go to the trouble of creating a dark mode, with black text on dark grey. Wondering if it's something to do with my windows 10 setup, or just how it's designed... can anyone direct me to one that doesn't have this 'feature' or solve why this happens? Help much appreciated!


"Animal cells share some qualities with plant cells, but one key feature ours lack is a rigid cell wall. While this provides structure for plants, it’s also something scientists are increasingly looking at for use in new materials, cellulose technology and, now, insulin delivery."


... go through your 'top posts', copy & paste the text into a doc, post it here, then delete it. Let reddit's loss be lemmy's gain!

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