
joined 1 year ago

I actually drink something very similar (zero sugar) as well! Sio it in the morning, stay hydrated... the insomnia is something I've had since I was a kid, unsuccessfully treated. At least I don't have to sleep as much as average people!

[–] 9 points 3 weeks ago

This song randomly shows up in my head like some prophecy of doom

[–] 6 points 3 weeks ago

They REALLY tried to push it on my son. Must have asked 4 times!!! I'm lucky my mom is a total hippie and educated, so I was spared even decades ago when it was less talked about.

[–] 19 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Look up John Harvey Kellogg. That should help explain things.

Yup, Kellogg's Cereal guy. Also avid hater of masturbation. He even wanted to pour acid on the clitoris so women would be desensitized as well.

There, tl;dr'd it for you

Yeah, America is a crazy place

[–] 38 points 1 month ago

IIRC, that's actually how it was set up to begin with, way back when we used glass bottles for Coke. Big companies manipulated us consumers into thinking we were being lazy for not taking care of recycling ourselves and that's how we got to this mess today.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago

I feel you!

I'm 6 years clean from the hard stuff and have had a similar experience. Like who am I? What do I like? I basically got to reinvent myself.

I learned many hard lessons during my dark years, and I decided to use that to my advantage now. I've been through hell, so I don't get fazed by anything at this point!

I'm a 36 year old guitar-playing video-gaming family man! Live life and just enjoy being you whoever you are!

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

It would explain alot

[–] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

This brings me back! Aphex Twin will always be awesome. And super strange!

The music video for Windowlicker is a whole other kind of strange. Watch it.

[–] -1 points 1 month ago

'MERICAAAAA, nation as big as the Earth

That should be our new national anthem!

[–] 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Nathan Fillion 🥹

[–] 4 points 1 month ago

My work has me with people, one on one, for an hour or so at a time. A year or so ago I decided I might be able to help some of my more brainwashed clients start to think for themselves.

The best way to do that, I've found, is like you said. I don't approach the subject like we are two different sides, but instead find points they make that are close to the truth and help nudge them a little more towards opening their eyes. It's actually been pretty successful and it really makes me feel like I'm doing some good in the world.

I don't want them to agree with whatever I think, I just want to to start actually looking at facts instead of going off emotion and bad information.


Hey everybody! My wife and I have recently been playing Destiny 2. It's excellent imo and both of us are having tons of fun, except for one little detail...

We need a third person!

We both like to take our time with levels, enjoy the scenery, role-playing our characters... and with most of the level thingies (strikes, vanguard) its required that we have another player with us.

Sometimes that goes well, but more often than not we end up with someone who just rushes through. Totally kills the whole point of why we play!

Is there anyone out there interested in playing with us? Or have advice for finding others besides the fireteam finder thingy? That hasn't really worked so far.

I hope this doesn't violate any rules for posting on this instance!

Thanks everyone!

Edit: fixed the title so people would stop thinking I'm asking for a threesome


Hi everyone! I need some help. I'm in my mid-thirties, and I had a growing career that, since covid, has gotten so flaky I can't properly provide for my family anymore. I have always been interested in tech, and would like to start a career but I'm not sure how to.

Can anyone in the field give me some advice? I don't have much college experience, only did 1 year 17/18 years ago. Looks like I need some sort of college degree, which I'm fine with.

I also saw some online "bootcamp" things... are they good? I would like to do something where I was helping companies be protected from hackers and work from home as much as possible. White hat hacker type of thing... if that's real!

Thank you everyone!


Pretty much title. Went to Lemmy this morning, not able to look at stuff outside shit just works. Well, this morning shit just doesnt work!


Hi everybody!

I came here, like many others, in the mass migration of reddit. This post is not about that. I've heard enough of that. Time to move on!

This post is about shit just works! I love this federation! (Is that the right thing to say?) Anyways I was thinking about what subs I could contribute. What does everyone think about...

A sub about beginner guitar help? A sub about God of War? A sub about about Chris Cornell? I don't know... wait. Do these things already exist? I forgot to check. Shit. Maybe someone else should make them? I'm obviously incompetent. That's assuming anyone else would be interested and that they don't exist already...

Alright I'm gonna go now


After I log in, I'm often getting the "log in first" message when I try to visit any communities. Half the time I have to just click on my login name and it says I'm already logged in, and then I can continue. The other half I find I'm logged out and have to log back in.

Not a huge deal, but a bit tedious. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you

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