
joined 1 year ago

You can just disable that requirement with Rufus

I do that when I'm looking for music that fits my mood, for me music is a functional thing so there is a point and a destination so to speak.

Maybe you just need to find the right thing for the moment.

The app legit says "don't make us popular"

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

This is not the full story. It's just one half of the dunning kruger effect.

This is the trap I was in for a long time, because you'd think that being near average is the most likely case right?

But time and again, the evidence shows that I perform above average in my field.

The evidence shows that I consider the effects of my actions more in depth than most people.

But yet, I let others mess things up and cause problems because I don't lead. Because I think I'm just as good as average.

It took until I was 25 to finally be able to step up and say "no, this is stupid" to people, and provide a better alternative.

This is just dunning kruger. You should realize if your default is "I know better", you probably don't. But if your default is "I know nothing", you're probably above average.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

That's like 4 technologies to set up, thank god there's docker and nginx proxy with acme companion xD

I'm thinking someone could just sell "fediboxes", plug n play servers with hosted lemmy, ddns and a free domain for lazy people

I'm literally on .net, should be a classic

Kinda depends on your familiarity with hosting! I just have a docker setup

[–] 8 points 1 year ago (8 children)

I just have my own private instance, saves me worrying about data ownership

Indeed, I can't even read the full article

Over here, they tend to be much more expensive than ICE cars. They wouldn't do well on the used market either due to battery issues that would have developed by that point...

For adoption, the upfront price has to come down.