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[–] 8 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

For more context. This was a Oceanis 393. so about $100k boat. And it was in the Strait of Gibralter. Not the poorest area of the world.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Idk. Maybe. I think Biden has done a great job if you look at his policies, and I would have hoped people were excited about them. I take your comment to say that people are fooled into having more enthusiasm for a candidate with the same policies just becase a different face has been put on them. But there can be other reasons for the enthusiasm. For example, maybe people believe she will do a better job since she is younger and more energetic. And those people think a younger, more energetic candidate makes for a better President even while holding the same political views. If that gets people excited, fine. It may be from being fickle and fooled or may be from a realistic view of how leaders impact the group and how a younger leader could be better.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago

It is not just bots but an infrastructure of heavy investment in mass media that mislead americans. Fox News, NAEBC, Tucker Carlson, the NRA, Breitbart and then you can add in the bots on social media.

[–] -1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Trump received 74 million votes.

The NRA, which has proven to be infiltrated by russian assets has about 5.5M members so that's almost 7% right there.,pursuit%20of%20personal%20business%20opportunities.

In 2021 there were about 20M users of Parler which amplified russian propaganda:

There's probably some overlap, but with just two instances we've seen how over 20-25M right wingers (1 out of 3 trump voters) are subject to russian propaganda.

[–] -1 points 3 months ago

Not in our current tax bracket world.

[–] 13 points 6 months ago

Biden started the momentum for capping late fees over a year ago. He mentioned it in his State of the Union address. This is just how government works. I don't think having some progress made in March of an election year after initiating desire to make progress over a year ago is scaps on the floor. It is competent governing.

[–] 35 points 6 months ago (2 children)

There are a lot of big things that would be celebrated if our media covered it differently and if Biden was as self-aggrandizing as Trump.
But the little things are really what make me want to vote for Biden again. This is competent governing. In my field, I've seen how the little things lead to big things. Like the approval of off shore wind farms that were stalled under Trump are now approved and constructed leading to the first utility scale offshore wind farm in the US. A huge accomplishment from one little approval.

[–] 37 points 6 months ago

I grew up in a town where the factory closed and poverty grew. More poverty than most of the red voters will ever see. This made me move so far left and I don't understand how seeing these things happen makes people want to vote for Trump. The lack of having a voice is partly on people in rural areas and this is a tantrum for not having made their voice known as more and more detrimental things happened. The busiest store in my home town is Wal-Mart. People love Wal-Mart. The food co-op that provides local farmers a place to sell their produce is frequented by the left leaning types. In my view, the voice that is that the right wing does not care about helping their community through any kind of sacrifice. Ease and convenience are king. Cheapest cost is best, regardless of what sweatshop clothing was made in and what underpaid illegal immigrant picked their produce. And, they vote for a party who wants to remove regulations so worse and worse corporate actions can provide cheaper goods lining the pockets of billionaire owners.

The factory that closed moved to North Carolina and then overseas. The people that live in the small town now vote for tax breaks for the owners of that factory and vote for the party that villifies ebt, welfare and programs that help their neighbor. They think people are lazy who use these programs, not that they have experienced the loss of economic activity they have seen. If this factory, which was profitable but not at a high enough margin for the owners, were owned by the workers, it may still be operating today. This is my conclusion in seeing what the Cracked article discusses. Corporate greed has done damage to communities and the ability to give more power to workers is better than voting for some con-man who gives tax breaks to the rich. How could hard working Americans look at Shawn Fain and think his view is dispicable and think that what Trump has to say is better?

[–] 1 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Bernie isn't in office right now.

Bernie is in office. He is the Chair of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions. And he would not be in this position if the Democratic party had not heard what he is saying and agreed to demand government to perform better for the working class.

[–] 3 points 6 months ago

But Biden has not stayed on the neo-liberal hard line globalist policies. He has recoiled from international supply chains by bringing investment to manufacturing in the US. He has relieved debt payments for college educated workers. He has invested in infrastructure for transportation of goods as well as electricity which tackles the problem of emissions as well as cost of energy. I believe these moves are a reaction to understanding that life is hard and globalism left a lot of people behind.

[–] 2 points 6 months ago

To add to this. Biden has passed significant investments in growing manufacturing jobs in the US the results we won't really see for years. Planting a tree that he will never enjoy the shade of. He has approved renewable energy projects and initiated much needed improvements to energy transmission so more renewable energy can be in the grid when they are built. Biden has done a lot to advance our infrastructure.

[–] 7 points 6 months ago (4 children)

What left wing media empire has spread lies so much as to be sued for hundreds of millions of dollars? This is not a two sides issue.


The Department of Defense is investing in renewable energy with a goal of getting to 100% carbon free electricity for facilities n 14 states. As one of the largest polluters in the world, it is really great to see initiatives to move the military away from carbon polluting energy.

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