Risking? Wtf
joined 1 year ago
So he’s a big ballsack?
Back when my cat was alive I got occasional reports that he would enter various other houses nearby and meow by the fridge until he was given a cold cut.
Not the worst life plan ever
Young kirk is played by AI
Its actually very easy to repo a wreck, but its not worth anything.
For an open source project you are welcome to fork it (make a copy for yourself) and modify it however you like. The changes will be only on your fork.
You can also request that the original project pull your changes, in which case it would be available to everyone using it.
Every single time I open the perfect question the only answer is “we already covered this, use the search”
You sure bout that?
Its UK journalism
Its all been spent before he gets it
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We dont want poors getting educated