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[–] SpookyGenderCommunist@hexbear.net 16 points 8 months ago (6 children)
[–] SpookyGenderCommunist@hexbear.net 15 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Of you look at American electoral history, because elections are carried out by States, and you're not voting directly for president, but instead for electors to go to the electoral college, each state had a wildly different way of deciding who these electors ought to be.

Some had elections (property owning white men, only), others had the state legislature decide. If a state chose via the state legislature, they couldn't even agree on how that shit was supposed to work!

And then, early on, there was no expectation that the electors had to abide by the will of the people who selected them. They were free to vote for whoever, like Cardinals picking the fucking Pope!

And any time an election, or anything else for that matter, didn't go the way a state wanted, they would threaten secession from the Union.

It's genuinely shocking that the US didn't immediately fucking implode, given how genuinely batshit its institutions are.

Edit: for more stupidity I just thought of: if the electoral college can't figure it out, how is the president chosen? It's totally vibes based. In 2000, the supreme court just snatched up the ability to do this, effectively stealing an election. But in 1824, when they couldn't decide, it went to the fucking House of Representatives, and they decided!

Miyazaki was a communist until the fall of the USSR. And while he ditched ML like a lot of people unfortunately did in that post-soviet period, he's since said a handful of times that he still considers himself a socialist, generally.

So, looking at most of his movies, they're stuffed full of leftist themes.

Kiki's Delivery Service is very much about Alienation under Capitalism. Kiki's hard work ends up burning her out and straininh her relationships with others, because she's commodified a thing she loves: flying, in order to survive. And the movie contrasts that with the lesbian forest painter Lady who works hard on her art, on her own terms, unburdened by the whims of capital.

Spirited away has too many themes to count, but let's look at the design of the bath house. It's mostly a Meji-era architectural style, but when Chihiro goes up to ask for a job from the witch who owns it, the architecture is suddenly very European. So visually, we're being told that the west is literally lording over, and owns, Japan.

And a persistent theme is also the ways Japan is disconnected from its culture. Chihiro doesn't recognize the spirit shrines, unceremoniously dumped by the roadside at the beginning of the film. And characters say of the train that it "used to go both ways, but now only goes one way". The train is death. Spirits can only go further into the spirit realm, and never back to visit earth.

And put together, the film is pointing to Japan's disconnect from its own history and culture due to US imperialism.

I was mostly making a joke about how many Indian communist parties there are

[–] SpookyGenderCommunist@hexbear.net 2 points 8 months ago (3 children)

Which fucking one?

Based, do y'all have a platform we could read?

Like Stalin, Mao wasn't creating something new.

Stalin is who codified Marxism-Leninism though. A more apt comparison with Mao would be Lenin. Lenin was not a Leninist, he conceived of what he was doing as returning to the roots of Marxism, and innovating within that framework. In contrast to the revisionism of the 2nd international.

Maoists would assert that, while Mao was not creating something new, as Mao was an ML, he was responding to Kuschev's revisionism, and The Chinese revolution did make certain innovations that set the stage for an ideological, epistemic, break from ML, just as Lenin's innovations set up the break of ML from 2nd international Marxist revisionism.

And for the Maoists, the thing that causes that break is the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement, which they conceive of, as synthesizing MLM from a few different things.

Those things being the Chinese experience, the rejection of Deng as revisionist and Reform & Opening Up as a turn back to capitalism, and the experience of Sendero Luminoso.

I'm not a Maoist, as I don't think it's yet proven itself to actually be a third stage of revolutionary science, but I think it's worth fleshing out, and representing as accurately as possible, what they think of as the ideological chain of development for Maoism.

If reposting is IP theft, they would have to give up reddit

[–] SpookyGenderCommunist@hexbear.net 20 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (1 children)

tbf I don't know much about the Shanghai massacre. Care to enlighten me?

0/10, no Venezuelan Communist Rooster

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