
joined 1 year ago
[–] SpezCanLigmaBalls@lemmy.world 0 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (6 children)

True but if we switched sides here for a moment the left would be yelling foul play and I'm a Democrat. Just lots of visible hypocrisy

[–] SpezCanLigmaBalls@lemmy.world 60 points 8 months ago (29 children)

Have y'all heard about Trump being the antichrist? I'm not religious but it's eery how closely it matches up. So many specifics that can't just be made up.

Here's a link if you're curious - https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/

[–] SpezCanLigmaBalls@lemmy.world 29 points 8 months ago (8 children)

I'm out of the loop here

[–] SpezCanLigmaBalls@lemmy.world 1 points 8 months ago

Same goes to you!

[–] SpezCanLigmaBalls@lemmy.world 2 points 8 months ago (2 children)

Yeah sorry that's what I meant, catching it before it's too late. I'm really really sorry you're experiencing this, that is terrible.

[–] SpezCanLigmaBalls@lemmy.world 2 points 8 months ago (4 children)

Yeah my rheumatologist did mention that to me but he said it takes years and years to start to form and is easy to revert. He just said to get eyes checked every year

[–] SpezCanLigmaBalls@lemmy.world 67 points 8 months ago (18 children)

Oh wtf this was one of the drugs people used to poison themselves with? I was prescribed this a month ago because the rheumatologist told me is the safest drug for auto immune issues although I still need to take mehtylprednisolone every few months due to spinal inflammation that messes with nerves.

[–] SpezCanLigmaBalls@lemmy.world 1 points 9 months ago

Whatever helps ya sleep at night bud


I enjoy reading new scientific discoveries whether it is about space, new footprints, new buildings found, etc.

I really enjoy the New Scientist app but it's $10 a month. I've looked at a couple of other apps but they just don't hit the spot. Does anyone have any recommendations?

I'm using android if that matters


Is it possible we could get filters for community search? I would love to be able to filter by subscriber size


This will be more of like a diary post, I just have to vent.

I’m just tired of all the medial issues happening. My spinal tap left me with so many complications so I got a blood patch that gave me even more complications and it didn’t even fully work. I still have symptoms of a csf leak. I go to my neurologist yesterday 3 weeks after the spinal tap and he says all the results from my spinal tap arnt even in. He said that he isn’t sure if insurance would cover another blood patch so he then and there decided to give me nerve numbing injections on both sides of my cervical spine. Then he threw me a bunch of migraine medication and told me to hope the blood patch can work itself out in the next few weeks.

I’m just tired. Since the spinal tap 3 weeks ago its just been so hard. I’ve been so tired and in so much pain. I was already in pain and tired before but this is different. Can’t do therapy cause insurance doesn’t cover it out of state since I work remote. I can’t actually let my family or friends know how hard it actually is wasting the entirety of being 25 in my apartment because some mysterious bullshit happened and put my life on hold.

It’s tough. I’ve lost all my friends besides one due to the fact I moved to a new city a year ago and then all this started. I haven’t been able to do anything all year. The simplest things cause too much pain. My pain mgt doc is helping me with pain meds but they make me so tired and out of it but it’s better than being in the pain I would be in without.

My previous life is gone, everything changed in one year. This spinal tap put me over the edge. I was staying strong but this spinal tap is the worst idea anyone has ever had. It’s hard dealing with all this myself. It’s definitely made me stronger mentally but I also don’t want to push myself into depression which I really think I’m going. I’m starting to be more and more numb as the days go on. Just care less about everything. But there’s nothing that I can do about it. I’m stuck where I am and this is my life for the foreseeable future. I don’t have the money to pay for therapists out of pocket. Medical bills have already drained me.


This will be more of like a diary post, I just have to vent.

I'm just tired of all the medial issues happening. My spinal tap left me with so many complications so I got a blood patch that gave me even more complications and it didn't even fully work. I still have symptoms of a csf leak. I go to my neurologist yesterday 3 weeks after the spinal tap and he says all the results from my spinal tap arnt even in. He said that he isn't sure if insurance would cover another blood patch so he then and there decided to give me nerve numbing injections on both sides of my cervical spine. Then he threw me a bunch of migraine medication and told me to hope the blood patch can work itself out in the next few weeks.

I'm just tired. Since the spinal tap 3 weeks ago its just been so hard. I've been so tired and in so much pain. I was already in pain and tired before but this is different. Can't do therapy cause insurance doesn't cover it out of state since I work remote. I can't actually let my family or friends know how hard it actually is wasting the entirety of being 25 in my apartment because some mysterious bullshit happened and put my life on hold.

It's tough. I've lost all my friends besides one due to the fact I moved to a new city a year ago and then all this started. I haven't been able to do anything all year. The simplest things cause too much pain. My pain mgt doc is helping me with pain meds but they make me so tired and out of it but it's better than being in the pain I would be in without.

My previous life is gone, everything changed in one year. This spinal tap put me over the edge. I was staying strong but this spinal tap is the worst idea anyone has ever had. It's hard dealing with all this myself. It's definitely made me stronger mentally but I also don't want to push myself into depression which I really think I'm going. I'm starting to be more and more numb as the days go on. Just care less about everything. But there's nothing that I can do about it. I'm stuck where I am and this is my life for the foreseeable future. I don't have the money to pay for therapists out of pocket. Medical bills have already drained me.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/1998751

Hey all, I hope you’re doing well.

So I’m having a pretty tough day today. I’m 25 and decided I wanted to try to date again so I put on my hinge profile that I have chronic pain and can answer any questions. I had a date last weekend and was supposed to have another one today but backed out.

The reason I backed out is because I don’t know what the outlook on my life is right now. I don’t have muscle inflammation per blood test but prednisone was absolutely amazing to me so that means it has to be inflammation of my nerves or something else and that isn’t really good. I’m getting a spinal tap Tuesday.

I feel so guilty even trying attempting to get in a relationship. Like even if she is okay with what’s going on with me, I realized I’m not okay with allowing someone else to have to deal with my situation. Especially since I don’t have a diagnoses currently and I would hate myself if I found my ‘soulmate’ to just then find out I only have 5 years left, especially to someone that is my age.

I’ve always tried to look at the positive side but the only angle I’ve been looking at is the fact there is potential of being able to live a healthy life being on prednisone, immunosuppressants, immunoglobulin IVs, or something like that.

When considering bringing someone else that would be significant in my life in I have to look at it from the perspective that I’ve been ignoring. That it’s possible I could end up wheel chair bound, or find out I likely only have X years. It morally feels wrong for me to go on dates.

This is the perspective I’ve been ignoring and thinking about it yesterday and today has taken a toll. I’m pretty lonely, I would love to have a SO but I just can’t. It sucks too cause I moved here a year ago and was making friends then lost all of them besides 1 throughout this.

Even ignoring the diagnoses part I still feel guilty trying to get in a relationship due to how limited I am cause of my pain. My whole life I played sports, hiked, biked, camped, did whatever physical or fun activity I could and always stayed fit. Here I am now barely able to do anything. Even on all my pain meds. The guy is the one whose supposed to be able to protect and this and that. How am I even supposed to do that? I wish I could get therapy here because I do need it but I work remote and my work insurance doesn’t cover out of state therapy.

I don’t even know if I’m looking for tips or just hearing others stories if they can relate. Just been a really rough day. I think I just finally broke down because I’ve been super strong through this and haven’t let this get me down but when it comes to having a SO which I want, I’ve been ignoring that this whole times because I know it forces me to think of this stuff. It’s so much easier going through it alone than with someone by my side and seeing me like this. Less people to disappoint

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