
joined 1 year ago
[–] 7 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

The opening statement is also quite silly already (and makes me belief in a companion to the dead internet theory, the dementia internet theory, as I was sure we have had conversations like this as 'the internet' already, Zuck turning manospherian all of a sudden also makes me thing this (same with the fight over H-1B on the US right, they had that in 2018 already, Trump likes H-1B)).

We had the whole 'they act like they are morally superior' discussion already a lot, and that was about vegans. Only one problem, they are morally superior on almost all ethical/moral/ideological systems you can think of. Sure hedonists, stoics (who are not allowed to complain), sadists, accelerationist extinctionists, ironic nihilistic status quo pushing postmodernists, all disagree they are superior morally but who cares about the opinion of those people. Sure some of them might be annoying to people, but annoying people can be morally superior.

His statements about how politically correctness comes from the 80's is also wrong (it predates that, and has quite a complex history of being used by various different groups for different meanings), but at that moment I knew I was going to be wasting my time reading this as I would disagree with every paragraph. (as I have seen these types of articles before, they were popular a decade ago or so).


Thanks to Sam Altman, Ben Miller, Daniel Gackle, Robin Hanson, Jessica Livingston, Greg Lukianoff, Harj Taggar, Garry Tan, and Tim Urban for reading drafts of this. {emph mine, the names that really jumped out to me]

Ah. Also 1 name which jumps out to me as prob a woman. Let me google her. Ah right. His wife, and co-founder.

[–] 4 points 2 weeks ago

With risk of falling into the 'classify people into two binary groups' thing which I have often criticized the Rationalist for. Move over jock vs nerd. There is Jock vs Creep.

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago

Considering popes, priests in general, politicians etc are usually male (historically) i have a feeling these quotes also exclude some groups from being moral enforcers.

It also neatly ignores social pressures, which provides good reasons for women being into certain types of 'moral enforcement'. Either because 'it is their duty to protect the kids' or the revolutionary idea that people are all people and should have equal rites, bodily autonomy, a political voice etc.

But nope: "me and the boys agree, this wokeness stuff is for girls".

This all makes me wonder, we know he has proofreaders who help him. Did he either get rid of all the people who disagree with him, or did they give up, as some people dont want understand the other side they just want to argue their forever cause they believe they are correct (so disagreement is a massive waste of time).

[–] 5 points 2 weeks ago

He has two sisters, and one of them wrote a book about the manosphere/redpill (from a non rw way) shit in 2018. So fam gatherings will be wild.

[–] 7 points 2 weeks ago

Really? Right in the front of the clean new thread?

image descriptionExtremely simplistic drawing of a somewhat sad looking person. Drawn by the artist 'flork of crows'[sic]. Reference to the 'Really? Right In Front Of My X?' meme

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Depends on your perspective I guess, like if you imagine there are really 'we should destroy the internet and go back to the imaginary golden age before the internet' people those would be reactionary on that subject. I have never seen anybody honestly like that however.

On his reactionary side: I don't get how his allies, he can stand them. I mean he must know they will come after him next. We know what they think of lgbt people.

[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago

Well, all tech shit is inevitable after all. (In their minds) see how they talk about the slop generators. (Or that 'if I don't steal the home somebody else will' guy).

[–] 6 points 2 weeks ago

brought to you by carls jr

[–] 5 points 2 weeks ago

Dindt he write a book on how democracy is over? Or incompatible with the modern world or something.

[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago

About that bad precedent, the next game. And yes the game is fun, in a niche way. It is sad the ai art draws everything down. It always has a weird tonal mismatch with the rest and the names of the cards, and it is wet.

[–] 4 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (2 children)

Erannorth Chronicles the problem is esp the last two dlc, which suddenly have graphics of the cards who don't match. I tried to upload a pretty glaring example but it didn't work atm. But you can also see it at the main page of the game, compare the page with all the cards on it. With this image, quite sad, esp as soon as you start to notice it (and how often the AI art doesn't make sense) it just pulls you out of the game.

[–] 15 points 2 weeks ago (14 children)

Thiel has fully lost it, and as I assume nobody around him has warned him about how crazy this ~~manifesto found after the shooting~~ oped in the ft makes him sound, so do the people around him.

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