
joined 1 year ago
[–] 3 points 5 months ago

I love the spam shit, let's me know I'm on the good content.


Even back in the Kyoto days every nations military has been considered exempt. Conservative estimates I've read are that a nations military can be estimated at a one to one with the civilian sector on pollution, or in America's case, the roughly ~1million soldiers pollute as much as the 350million civilians.

Kyoto's projections were based solely off civilian output, effectively always reporting on and only tracking half the global pollution.

It was sandbagged from the start. Boomers never had any intention of actually working on the issue, it's all just more of the media shell game, like plastic recycling.

Evil. Plain and simple. Such short sightedness, greed and condescention. If sacrificing liability of the environment for future generations, all for fleeting material gain in the present, doesn't meet the threshold for evil then evil just doesn't exist.

[–] 1 points 6 months ago

Dude, I just ate. Don't make me ..🤢

[–] 29 points 6 months ago

It's creator owned. If they're on nebula, they have a stake in it, writ large

[–] 17 points 6 months ago (3 children)

It FLABBERGASTS me that people get on internet forums knowing anyone could be from anywhere and have ulterior motives and not run everything thru the very basic filter of "qui bono", which is latin for Who benefits? The double tap is "Follow the money."

If the opinions put across lead to a conclusion that politically oppositional countries would find beneficial...guess're talking to someone on their payroll. Or worse, you're talking to useful idiot doing the job for free.

I've called out hundreds of shills over the past few years. Hundreds. The only rational way to look at opinions online is askance.

There's a new word for you, it's personally my favorite, so remember it, use it, love it, spread it, and apply it to the internet. And tell others to do so as well.

[–] 3 points 6 months ago

Progress is never a flat line. Incrementalism only exist to erode our rights, not gain them. Rights are cemented hard and fast with a pen stroke. Incrementalism is the 10000 lawsuits chipping away at it one nib le at a time. 50 years of that and look, Roe gets overturned.

[–] 26 points 6 months ago

Which is why their trying to knee-cap the internet.

Experience guides my way; anything a politician says before or after "think of the children" has nothing to do with actual childrens safety and everything to do with undermining your constitutional rights

Every single time. Without fail.

[–] 14 points 6 months ago (3 children)

Man that audio/video of Bibi saying genocide would continue and they were gonna level Gaza because the American people have given them a blank check and full support ..yea ..that was everything I expected from that fascist.

And as fascists (and corporatists; tho any difference is arguable) always do, he said the quiet part out loud, insinusting Israel's stretched past their compacity while invigorating the anti-genocide (which I would hope is all of us, but clearly isn't. I don't see how a moral person rationalizes killing 20000 children) center/left to bolder action against Biden.

The news getting out of Bibi's forces beating down the Orthodox in Jerusalem for protesting is indicative of a few things, mainly that dissent at home is greater than his propaganda machine can keep the lid on. His propaganda machine has been busch league, AT BEST. Obviously lying with AI generated photos. Idk about you, but I can't believe a single thing that comes out of a zionists mouth. If the world didn't stop their aggression, I think we all know full well they would've killed every single Palestinian down to the last.

Zionist has become as negative a word to me as Nazi. The only difference being pro-jew or anti-jew. I spit at them both.

[–] 11 points 6 months ago (1 children)

The people who the bank would payout, with the 20% fractional that they hold in reserve?

Yea, that'd be the rich people. The rich might lose some money, but the rich are never going to go hungry, not even in this scenario, that's just not how life works.

[–] 2 points 6 months ago

It's not banks per se that need to go, it's usury, or interest.

Banks can still find profit and not charge interest, see the entire Arab world.

It's creating money out of thin air. Someone's good will isn't good will when you're forced to pay 125 back on 100 loan. That 25 gets counted towards GDP, even tho nothing was created or there's nothing temporal to show for it, lessoning the value of all currency. Usury is skimming off the top, eventually the whole container is empty.

[–] 1 points 6 months ago

How many felonies does convicted rapist Trump have pending?

You're right, America don't have time for that.

If Trump weren't such a dip shit, he could've sold red MAGA facemasks, establish a new mint to meet his payout, and kept the 11000 votes he needed in Georgia alive and won reelection. Substantially more than 11k Republican voters had died in GA between Jan 2020 and Nov 2020.

His negligence killed his own voters. That's not 4D chess. That's dumbstruck stupidity at the highest level.

[–] 3 points 6 months ago (1 children)

I fully agree with you. 2 caveats.

For the last 15 years, that I can recall, every year it was reported that more people who are or lean left have been buying the bulk of weapons. The left isnt toothless and honestly, most of the fucks who drove around in Trump trains, bullying on the freeway and what not, would shit their pants if fire were returned their way. Like all bullies, theyre real tough until they meet someone who is, then they're a bunch of chicken shits. Case in point; Uvalde

And it pains me to think it but I do; America's "silent majority", those too afraid to lose what they have to speak out, won't budge until we see a REAL loss.

Take this, entirely plausible scenario.

Trump wins the election, not because people want him, but because the status quo (which is all Democrats can ever offer - they aren't a party of leaders; they're a party of middle managers) is destroying us all, and/or because our support for Israel, as they become the newest genocidal, eternal victim/pariah. Genocidal Joe is a baaaaaad moniker. Trump comes in, 2025 starts getting implemented. To distract, in the name of national security/health war is declared on the cartels, without discussing it with Mexico first and the bombing campaign begins as troops are built up in Cali/Arizona/NM/Texas. Soldiers push out off of America soil. Skirmishes are ran across the border and back again. Keep in mind - any military action inside the states is illegal. Legally they would have to establish a beachhead to invade; but that defeats the softer point of the whole venture, which is to normalize military use around civies. Protests erupt after our military, under direct orders to do, start channeling their inner Israeli and kill every human in sight. Mexican Americans, the majority along the border, grind the 2 largest state economies to a halt. Police are thing we know, Tucson doesn't exist anymore, thousands of American are dead, at the hands of our military..

That's the threshold I think it'd take for any fucking Karen or Kevin to realize things have gone to far. I hope I'm wrong.

I hope Shawn Fein can pull it together for 2028 like he's mentioned. I'll be standing in the roads right next to you brother.

[–] 2 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Oh I never said no fucking, just no babies. There be ways, Im telling ya, there be waaaaaays.

If we are just cogs in their machine with no chance of meaningful existence; why the fuck should we harbor the cost of our replacements? That's just another subsidy to them, and I cant fucking stand seeing the people who SHOULD pay, MORALLY, have everything gifted to them. It's fucking disgusting.

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