
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (1 children)

i am unsure what you mean about not interfaceing with apple? I heard in america imessage is a big thing that prevents that, but the rest of the world doesnt really use it. and besides there are many messangers that let you interface.

also i mean the burden to move. the burdon to leave the alphabet system is just as hard as the apple system imo. its just annoying both dont make it easy for any cross useage.

Edit: just wanna make clear i am not an apple apologist. i heavily prefer open source alternatives and use them whereever i can. i just dont get how people act as if andeoid/google/ect. are better or even good alternatives.

[–] 1 points 6 days ago (6 children)

no you got a point. i think your listed problems are the main problems you can have. with the hefty price and the "elite" vibe they sell in ads and so on, its really easy to hate. hateing apple feels like punching up.

and (most) android users dont realise that instead of beeing in apples eco system they are "trapped" in googles. I apprechiate apple for them not just blatently selling personal data, recorded from my phone. I also think in terms of polish there is no competiton. whoever used both, iphone and android phone, cant deny that ios is just far more polished. everything just works.

I personally dont like the apple proprietary ecosystem, but with no really good open source phone os, they are the best alternative on the marked atm. i dont know about laptops.

thank you. i dont understand how people meme stuff they obv dont even consume

why did i waste so much time dealing with my mental health when i could just instead go to lemmy where strangers can tell me how easy it is to deal with. Seriously is changing persoective so hard? as said before i dont even ask for help, or for anyone to change their lives. yet people get so pissed of by the notion that hypersexualisation might be hurtful to one (1) person. (it hurts more but in this thread i feel to be alone on this side)

[–] 3 points 2 months ago (2 children)

ill link this short video, since it is more well put then i ever could:

I dont ask for much. literally just wanna follow my sfw hobbies without beeing forced to confront my inner demons every day. I agree that i should "get over it". but maybe you dont realise the scope. this is at best a years long therapy process that in the end might never pay off.

And quite frankly are you also telling war veterans to get a grip, because people like fire work? are you telling parents to stop crying about child protection because if we dont sexualise cartoon characters online we would cease to exist?

i dont even ask to be helped i just wanted to rant. i am aware that 99% of people dont give a damn about trauma. why be so confrontational towards me?

[–] 8 points 2 months ago (1 children)

wow. you must have many friends.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

still its nice to know someone cares ^^

yeah i know. i just like to dream of a world where i could live without it. Also i really apprechite lemmy for that. its other sites i struggle with. sites with "cool userfriendly algorithms"

[–] 5 points 2 months ago (3 children)

i am looking since ereydsterday. eversince the pandemic waitlists are months to years in my country. i moved any couldnt continue with ly old doc. havent found a new one for two years now


First of i am very sex repulsed. It triggers some trauma (i am very sure i am ace anyway tho).

Seeing people sexualising themselfs or others is the worst for me. it can literally end the day for me, because i have to stay in bed for the rest of the day trying to deal with the emotions. So naturally i try to avoid that. all my friends are very suportive. On the internet i obviously dont go to places where such things might be. today i way watching roadrage videos. should be save enough right? ofc not. because some people gotta but sexualising content literally everywhere. The otherday i looked for chess openings. found a guide who ??? sexualised the chess pieces???

i am just tired. nsfw already has the majority of internet traffic. cant i just have some small portion where i can feel save?

I know i am an extreme case but it just feels so darn isolating. i am scared of joining any discord server. i used to my partner check subreddits (thankfull lemmy seems to be less bad in this regard) before joining. the internet gives potential for so much community especially for an introvert like me. but beeing so very sex repulsed locks me out of those communitys right away.

Thanks for reading. I dont think there is help or a solution. I just needed to rant to someone.

Naja, abgesehen davon, dass der Tipp sich nicht bestätigte (die fesgenommenen hatte keinen Haftbefehl gegen sich) und Schusswaffen eingesetzt wurden.

Ich stimme zu, dass der post faules whataboutism ist. Aber es stimmt schon, dass öffentlichwirksam rechtsextremisten weniger aufmerksamkeit und "gewalt" abbekommen als linksextremisten. Was etwas schade ist wenn doch immer versucht wird beide seiten als gleich dar zu stellen.


can we also talk about the length of the arms of the person in the back?


Heyyy, I am so sorry for missing two full weeks, and barely beeing online. Tl;dr: had a bad depressive episode. Yet i still managed to read all new posts and comments in the meantime. i apprechiate all you people very much, even when socialising can be impossible. Love to you all!


A place to chit chat, share whats going on in your life, and generally for people who feel like talking but dont know where.


Hey sorry for the delay. i had no acces to a computer, and the app doesnt give me the ability to pin posts. Have a nice week!


i know this sounds paradox and maybe some will not understand this (yet), but i want to shine a light on some positive side effects of this primarily negative topic.

for me, i feel like social anxiety has made me more empathetic towards my fellow humans. i work as a service worker in sales, and many of my coworkers don't care about the customers and are mostly just annoyed at them. i try to show understanding since i never know what someone is going through and how hard this shopping trip is for them. i have the motto that i want to give people around me more space, and more time to do whatever. however much time they might need. because i know i sometimes need this, and i am very happy when i can see someone who apprechiates it when i don’t pressure them to buy something. i think we all can practice a little more empathy. i imagine without experiencing social anxiety myself i would have less acceptance of other peoples struggles whatever kind that might be.


Hello you beautiful people. I want to start this little experiment where i will pin a megathread each week for talking about your week, share small victories, or discuss your goals for the next week. There are no topic rules to this, any kind of small talk is welcome. :) I figured since some of us might lack a space to share about their daily life, maybe we can use such a place here.


I am mostly looking for healthy ways to cope with stressful situations. what do you do when the panic kicks?


I wanted to create a community i was missing personally. Here people with (or without) social anxiety can discuss the topic, vent, find information or just talk in a safe space.

Link #1 Socialanxiety

Link #2 !

(hope i did the links correctly ^^") Have a nice day!


Hey people! I just created the hub since i didn't find a Hub for that yet, and feel like i have relevant experiences and want to help the whole plattform grow. Since i never created a sub on reddit or the like before, i am wondering if there are things i can do to help the Hub grow and reach the people it was designed for?


I think we all had these annoying situations where an uninformed people doesn't know what they are talking about. Do you have any particular one that grinds your gears?

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