
joined 4 years ago
[–] 3 points 9 months ago

From what I can tell a likely scenario is:-

  1. ICJ correctly rules on genocide, provisional measures are supposed to then come into effect
  2. Israel flouts the rules, withdraws from ICJ
  3. Issue is forwarded to the UN security council
  4. America uses its veto against any security council measure against Israel.
[–] 1 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Whose argument is that?

[–] 7 points 9 months ago (3 children)

They are more akin to petite bourgeoisie

And yet so long as they aren't petty proprietors themselves their relationship to production is proletarian, just as it would be if they were a doctor or an engineer.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago (1 children)

If it just disappeared in a puff of smoke? I'd be inconsolable as I've lived here my entire life. Everyone that's important to me, from my friends, to my partner, to my family, all live here. My dad's ashes have been scattered here. If England disappeared tomorrow, myself and my loved ones would immediately lose our homes and our history and immediately become stateless refugees, along with the 55.9 million other people that live here.

If you mean in the sense of some kind of Balkanisation, I'd still be extremely upset. At no point in modern history has a country ever benefited from being Balkanised; from Yugoslavia, to the collapse of the USSR, to the partition of India and the colonial carve up of China, none of these countries have materially benefitted from being divided up in this way. The people living in all of the examples cited experienced incredible suffering and instability as a direct result of Balkanisation. In England's (and more widely, the UK's) case, it would almost certainly be preyed upon by the US and the EU. Its hard enough for the British establishment to compete on a level playing field with the other imperialist powers as it is with Great Britain unified, let alone if it was split apart into several smaller and poorer independent states.

Does this mean England should exist as it does today? I don't think so, personally. I believe the UK's best future (beyond the scope of a socialist revolution, of course) is in forming a federative republic, within which England would need to be legislatively split into smaller administrative units so that it doesn't perpetuate the existing relationship between England and the rest of the UK. A federal division of the UK should be weighted primarily by population, with the aim being to ensure that each administrative unit is a similar size to Wales or Scotland, meaning a range of 3-5 million people. This means some regions of England, such as Yorkshire, the South West or the East Midlands, would translate well into such a federative system. Others would need to be redesignated, such as the North West or the South East.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago

National organiser for a communist ran socialist party here. The fact of the matter is that I don't. The party comes first. Always.

In my experience, the lines between social life and party blurred once I crossed a certain threshold of commitment and time invested; party socials become your down time and your fellow party members become your closest friends. You might even meet your life partner in the party as several of my comrades have. Some have even started families together.

For context, my position with the party is now effectively my full time work. I have no fixed hours, but I'm effectively on call 24/7 and can be called on to travel across the country at a moment's notice for party work. So long as I deliver on my responsibilities I'm given complete flexibility in how I carry out my work. In that regard, I've never been more free in my entire life. However, this does mean that when times are hectic I simply cannot stop working until all my tasks are complete, which has sometimes meant taking on 12-14 hour work days.

[–] 6 points 10 months ago

...As told to you by bourgeois funded academics

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

"The transition from capitalism to communism is an entire historical epoch. Until it is over, exploiters inevitably have hope for restoration, and this hope turns into attempts at restoration. The overthrown exploiters, who did not expect to be overthrown, did not believe in it, did not allow the thought of it, with tenfold energy, with mad passion, with hatred increased 100 times, rush into battle for the return of the "paradise lost"."

  • V.I. Lenin
[–] 5 points 11 months ago

Someone woke up on the wrong side of his body pillow this morning...

[–] 20 points 11 months ago


[–] 3 points 1 year ago

"Putler" springs to mind

[–] 8 points 1 year ago (2 children)

That Saddam Hussein and Adolf Hitler were the same person.

[–] 5 points 1 year ago

Hidden microphones and transmitters have been a standard thing on all cars sold in the EU since 2018. It's been set up as a safety feature...


I remember a time when Lemmy had like 10 people and we'd be lucky to get 5 upvotes to a single post. Now we actually have a functional feed that will more or less have new content every day.


In 1936, Lin Nan Sheng, a student of the China Reconstruction Society cadre training class, was taken to Shanghai to participate in the arrest of the underground party. In the process, Lin Nan Sheng was constantly attracted by the sense of mission and fearless sacrifice of the Communist members for the country. Lin Nan Sheng was brave and resolute in the fight against the puppet troops, and he repeatedly gained achievement. He stood with the Communists many times and used his special status in the military to provide great help to the underground party. After the victory at the War of Resistance, Lin Nan Sheng grew up into a true Communist. At the critical moment in the War of Liberation, he made outstanding contributions to the party and the country.


I've heard tails is great for privacy and security, but just how good is it? On a scale of 1-10 where 1 is publicly accessible and 10 is a literal black box, how secure is tails? What are its limitations, from a security standpoint?


I'm a poster on lemmygrad. That is the extent of my involvement in fediverse stuff. I am neither tech savvy nor interested in becoming so. What is Mastodon? Is it like the twitter what lemmy is to reddit? I'm not clued in in the slightest and not even sure if I should be? Do posts from Mastodon get moved here like other instances of things like lemmy do to lemmygrad? Do I now have to read the insufferable takes of twitter refugees over in mastodon?


Apologies in advance for the huge wall of text:-

I organise with a communist party in the UK and am in regular contact with other organisers/activists across multiple different organisations throughout my country.

Its become increasingly obvious that the UK is lurching into ever deepening crises with no end in sight, a situation which has provided fertile soil upon which to carry out genuine communist work in the labour movement here. There isn't a week that goes by that myself and my comrades aren't called upon to agitate for this or that strike; unions that have been complacent for the longest time are once again in need of experienced agitators to mobilise the workers, more and more of whom are coming over to our side and achieving class consciousness. Our own upstart union groups are finding their legs and being given a seat at the table with some of the biggest pre-established trade unions in the country in order to help them set up their own movement with the Enough is Enough campaign. This in itself illustrates how far advanced the situation has become in the cradle of the capitalist world. It shows no sign of letting up.

With all this said, I'm increasingly convinced that the first great socialist breakthrough in the imperial core will happen here in Britain. Everything from the international isolation caused by Brexit to the moribund state of Britain's economy and its overstretched security apparatus is heralding total collapse if the country's current trajectory isn't radically shifted in the next few years. To top this all off, the British state hasn't demonstrated the means to achieve such a correction even if it tried. Taking all of this into account, I'm increasingly concerned about interference from foreign powers in the event that the British government is eventually toppled and a socialist one is established in its place. A lot of US soldiers and materiel are present in air bases all over England. It's extremely hard to imagine that they'll stand idly by if the US' chief imperialist lapdogs are swept from power, to say nothing of the French and the Germans looking on from across the channel.

It was stated by the CIA themselves that Maurice Bishop's New Jewel movement in Grenada represented a uniquely dangerous challenge to the US during the cold war, not because of its economic or military power, but simply because for the first time ever there was a socialist government whose people spoke in the English language; people who could speak directly to the US public. This is part of the rationale used by the US' security services to justify regime change in that country. If Grenada was pounced on so ferociously, then what exactly would Britain --a country widely considered a fraternal nation to the United States-- have in store? What could Britain's workers possibly do to keep out an American "peace keeping" operation on its own? The US imperialists would sooner reduce Britain to a dead zone than allow it to limp on under socialist governance.

With all of this in mind, I'm becoming increasingly concerned that especially close ties need to be sewn between socialist movements throughout the Anglosphere, particularly between the British and American proletariat. There may well come a day when internationalism from our American comrades will be needed more than any other group; to spearhead a hands-off Britain campaign that can pull back on the leash of US imperialism and pressure their government to beat a retreat. Trusted points of contact that can smuggle communications past the inevitable media blackouts and place our plight directly in front of the English speaking world will be necessary, and they will have to be established well before a situation like this actually develops. US militants ready and willing to sabotage US munitions and infrastructure will almost certainly be an extremely important element of a hypothetical struggle of this kind.

So what do you all think? Do you think the following scenario is at all likely or is it all in my head? Should British communist movements place a special focus on cultivating connections amongst organisations based in fraternal English speaking nations in the core, so as to disrupt attempts to strangle a potential British revolution in its crib, or should it follow a different strategy?


America and Canada are extremely close economically, culturally and politically. The US and Canada are far and away each other's largest trade partners, accounting for almost 7 times the total trade of Canada's next largest partner, the EU. 51.9% of foreign owned companies based in Canada are American owned. On top of this, Canada is demographically dwarfed by its southern neighbour, whose population share a common linguistic and cultural base. This demographic gap has prompted the Canadian government to pursue a natalist policy goal of achieving a population of 100 million people by the end of the century, likely a project pursued by Canada's national bourgeoisie in an effort to prevent themselves from being subsumed by the juggernaut to the south.

Two previous Canadian prime ministers have in the past considered pursuing political union with the US, who would stand to benefit enormously from Canada's substantial natural resources and strategic position in the North. Annexation of Canada would likewise benefit the American state by eliminating the largest land border in the world, administration of which currently costs the Canadian state 1.5% of its GDP. Moreover, this would finally connect America's strategically important territory of Alaska to the US' territorial mainland and thus render continental north America a single contiguous political territory, more easily administered and defended.

With all this in mind, do you think that America is likely to integrate Canada into its territory in the future? If so, long do you suspect it will take for this to occur? What implications would such an enormous development have for the international communist movement?

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