
joined 1 year ago

I actually have an Xbox Series X but I want to be able to play games from my Deck while in bed. How is the lag and performance?

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Who's the source artist for this? Would love to follow him on Instagram

[–] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Absolutely love the fabric brands. This inspired me to go buy that Timex, thank you for sharing!

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Fine. Let him have the place. The experience here on Lemmy has been vastly superior anyway. Engagement is 1,000x better. It’s night and day how much kinder, thoughtful, and intelligent people here have been.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

This is exactly how I learned all those years ago, and to this day, I still use vim regularly. As in, literally, I was using it on a server this morning to make some changes. It's just become natural to me now.


This article perfectly explains why large social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, Reddit) are trash.

What you’ll get is a place where everyone is a stranger, where being a jerk is the norm, where there is no sense of belonging, where civility and arguing in good faith is irrelevant because you’re not talking to someone, you’re performing in front of an audience to make the number next to your comment go up so you can briefly feel something that almost resembles belonging and shared values.


It’s beyond wild to me why anyone would have any kind of “loyalty” to Amazon. I’m also somewhat astonished at how popular it’s become to hook everything in your house up to the Internet, including door locks. I understand these aren’t new observations or concerns, but it still surprises me how people go “all in” on anything corporate, and anything smart home. (I say, posting from one of the many Apple devices in my Apple-only home. Well, I’m fairly agnostic about my servers, at least, running a mix of Rocky and Ubuntu, depending. Whatever gets the job done.)

Seems like corporations the last couple of years have been leaning HARD into giving people reasons why they can’t be trusted.


It’s beyond wild to me why anyone would have any kind of “loyalty” to Amazon. I’m also somewhat astonished at how popular it’s become to hook everything in your house up to the Internet, including door locks. I understand these aren’t new observations or concerns, but it still surprises me how people go “all in” on anything corporate, and anything smart home. (I say, posting from one of the many Apple devices in my Apple-only home.)

Seems like corporations the last couple of years have been leaning HARD into giving people reasons why they can’t be trusted.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

IMO it’s fine to just make a post about it in one of the larger communities that seems appropriate. Now is exactly the time for us to promote one another! And Lemmy doesn’t have an algorithm, so you’re going to have to do some leg work to get the word out. I think people will be appreciative and understanding of that, I would be.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

/r/whowouldwin :(

Also /r/tiktokcringe, so many of the videos there had me nearly in tears in laughter


I'm nearly of a mind to start a couple of Lemmy instances and front them with a load balancer--I have the resources and technical ability to build a Lemmy instance for scale--but I have zero interest in moderating the thing. I don't want to deal with the headache of everything that goes along with that, and don't want any responsibility for the users or content.

Would anyone be interested in a 'Lemmy Infra as-a-Service,' where I keep things running but hand off the management keys to you?

[–] 15 points 1 year ago (8 children)

The Internet, sadly, has always been an awful place for women and minorities. I hope we can build a culture here where that kind of shit isn’t tolerated, and all (sans trolls, bigots, racists, and Nazis) are made to feel welcome and respected.

Except the Dutch. Fuck those guys.


Whereas I might’ve been less generous with upvotes on Reddit, I think it’s important in these early formative stages to let others know that I appreciate their contributions. I hope it encourages growth and activity!

[–] 9 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Someone did, though there’s nothing on it now


I'm one of the recent Reddit converts, and one of my favorite subs is /r/comics. It's one of the few places that makes me laugh, a bright spot in my day, and as someone with dogshit mental health (like everyone else I guess), losing access to that sub is going to hurt, bad. If you follow artists there, please consider posting their work here!


The /r/earthporn subreddit was one of the top 5 subs I was desperately going to miss, thank you so much for making this!!

[–] 3 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Spammers and other bad actors are typically more likely to make the effort than people who might well add a lot of value.

Why do you think this?


Evidently TST says they may consider opening a publicly funded school in OK after the state approved public funding for a Christian school. I hope they do.


I would've loved to see him in the Premier League, but it'll really be something to see him in MLS. He's 'only' 35, still has a couple of seasons left in the tank. He'll be a monster for Miami.


Early impressions sound like Apple may have actually pulled this off. Here’s what The Verge had to say:

Was all this made better by the wildly superior Vision Pro hardware? Without question. But was it made more compelling? I don’t know, and I’m not sure I can know with just a short time wearing the headset. I do know that wearing this thing felt oddly lonely. How do you watch a movie with other people in a Vision Pro? What if you want to collaborate with people in the room with you and people on FaceTime? What does it mean that Apple wants you to wear a headset at your child’s birthday party? There are just more questions than answers here, and some of those questions get at the very nature of what it means for our lives to be literally mediated by screens.

I definitely agree with that. I’d like to try this but I don’t know if I’d ever want one.

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