
joined 1 year ago
submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by to c/

I saw 's post and wound up making a larger version of it (with my own changes)

Update- wound up making a expanded version

and a notion of how it would look amidst a better world (not overly serious, borders subject to change)

[–] 1 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Inspired me to do my own take on the British Isles, tbh

[–] 7 points 7 months ago

""Anticommunism"" is a hell of a drug... if the historical figure were anything like his followers claimed him to be, no doubt seeing this shit he'd have pulled out the whip and done a repeat of what he did at the temple.

[–] 8 points 7 months ago

Agreed, long before Biden was Genocide Joe, he was Jim Crow Joe, and all his life he has consistently been Zionist Joe (and also Creepy Uncle Joe). He may be blatantly out of it at this point, but there's no reason to believe he would be behaving any different had it been his decades-younger self playing at POTUS.

[–] 2 points 7 months ago

The real progress being done in transitioning to renewable energy was in China and India anyways. That said, the environment may be important- but I rank it many levels below the more pressing issues of resolving peoples' immediate needs- food, shelter, clothing, human dignity and peaceful development... all of which require western imperialism out of the picture.

No amount of climate talk (however legitimate it may be- which it is) will make me de-prioritize those immediate needs for people coming first and foremost. Anyways, whether we're talking the carbon footprint of the US' military, or the constant environmental crises caused by western corporations acting with impunity in other countries- as I see it, the root of the problem needs to be dealt with first.

[–] 17 points 7 months ago

100% agreed- though hopefully, the US won't be around for another 100 years to leech EU blood lol...

Whatever it is, as you said, it will take a great deal of change and humbling for the west to ever rejoin the rest of humanity (as someone living in and raised in the west). And I hope that, should it be necessary, every bit of pain it might take, is taken to ensure that the imperial mentality never rises again on this earth.

[–] 16 points 7 months ago (4 children)

At this point also, relations with Russia are pretty much permanently over. What sensible nation, in Russia's shoes- with new and reliable, friendly trade partners, would ever bother return to the European market, at least, for the prior status quo? The myth of "white brotherhood" and Russia ever being accepted as "European" is over now- and all the while, the Euros are proving more and more deranged- their leaders calling out blatantly for regime change, balkanization, terrorism and the assassinations or targeting of Russian civilians.

Nordstream is dead, also because the trust and/or reasoning for it is also entirely dead- on the Russian side in particular. Why should Russia ever support European industry ever again? They have better, proper trade partners now, ones who won't steal hundreds of billions in Russian foreign reserves and investments, who won't instigate color revolutions next door and instigate Nazis into enacting pogroms of ethnic Russians and terrorism in Russia proper, ones whose populations are even outright Russophilic rather baying for ethnic Russian blood (granted, that's a large share of the world outside the crackerverse), whether it be China, India, Iran, etc..

The Euros will have to get used to either buying Russian oil through intermediaries (at a premium, of course), or seeking out other sources- either paying out the nose for US oil, or buying from the various other states like the Arabs or Venezuela, who have no reason to trust them (though money is still money, end of the day, for as long as the Euro keeps its value anyways) and who have every reason to view them with distaste.

Honestly, I'm all for it. The only thing better than the deindustrialization of Europe, could be the further deindustrialization of the US. I'm not an accelerationist, but as I've come to see it- any and all industrial capacity of the "international community" is no benefit to the rest of the world, rather the opposite.

[–] 37 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (2 children)

I hope someday, the Zionists receive all the evil they committed against others back, with interest. Someday the tide will turn against them- perhaps even in the west, when and if there is ever any true representative government, when the state institutions of the empire crumbles down. And I hope it all ends with them fleeing to remote corners of the earth, changing their names, living forever in fear and the knowledge that there is a place for them, first in the courts and then in the gallows- like how the more notorious higher-up Nazis had to- but this time for all those who associated with the cause, not some halfways (if even that) measures like were imposed on the Nazis.

[–] 28 points 8 months ago

Conservatives out there imagining the best world possible (and framing it as a bad thing) as always. If only they were right...

[–] 3 points 8 months ago

No, but if there’s more than one therapist giving that advice that would be super wack

Sounds like there is then... I hate living in the imperial core :/

[–] 4 points 8 months ago

I imagine for those few with any sense- or with any genuine notions of "patriotism" or other such values outside of pure greed- they can see how the tides are turning, that being- that western "civilization" is headed for a collapse, and if there isn't some sort of new New Deal (a band-aid fix, but still something) shit will really hit the fan, and their imperialist golden goose might finally just die off (to the benefit of the rest of humanity)

That said, actions mean more than words- and in their actions, for self-interest, surely they won't do much of anything about it, and in truth they can't- it doesn't matter what they might even genuinely think, not that I expect much from them, but even in the entirely hypothetical scenario where there was one "good apple," all the other decaying apples around it would win out- the other billionaires, the other institutions and bureaucracies of capital. That's the nature of the capitalist system, something far greater than a few supposedly "dissenting" or "suddenly conscientious" billionaires- capital, in this system where capital is king, will continue to do as it always has- and considering the state of western and particularly Anglo-American society, I don't see anything changing course for the better anytime soon, but rather spiraling further into late stage capitalism.

[–] 6 points 8 months ago (2 children)

I think it's important to remember- alongside the real issues of censorship stifling creativity, the China of today is basically incomparable to the China of even 20~ years back- hell, I'd even say 10 years back. China has not been a "developed" country for long. These industries need time to further develop, and they need time to also gain exposure abroad.

Of course, the west has had a massive advantage culturally (and in every other aspect)- this is the nature of our post-colonial world, where western culture, technology, religion, ideology, etc. has been exported for centuries, sometimes through genocidal force, and other cultures and societies were impoverished, degraded, and humiliated. These things take time to overcome, and that China has made such strides already is if anything, very reassuring to me.

On a personal note, this has been a nearly obsessive worry of mine for the last year or so. I’ve tried talking to a therapist about it but they just suggested that I try to stop identifying as Chinese and start identifying as American. Not very helpful advice. I don’t really have anyone to talk to this about, so I hope I can start a discussion here.

This admittedly sounds really familiar though. Did you post it on (a certain reddit sub)? Anyways, that therapist was no good.

[–] 18 points 8 months ago

Finally, an honest liberal! Minus all those nonsense claims of "beauty, freedom, and progress."

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