
joined 1 year ago
[–] 3 points 3 weeks ago

That's exactly how I feel about it! I just started getting into MTG and bought the Animated Army bloomburrow precon after making a couple wacky modern decks out of the inherited cards I have and it just feels so generic. Like if I took it to a LGS I could very likely run into someone with the exact same deck and that isn't quite as fun as something very uniquely you yah know?

EDHRec has been awesome to find some cheap spells though and I definitely spent too much time at work looking through other folks decks lol. But at least with being able to go through other folks decks I'm able to find some cheap(er) cards that definitely can have some use, and that's really what I was looking for!

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

I was thinking keeping Gandalf as the commander would work great for the spell splitting property, but also using [[Stormsplitter]] to double dip more or less and just replace some of the red spells with lower cost instant casts. Again the card draw is still an issue but hopefully the suggested cards above help out!

[–] 4 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

These are awesome! I'll have to take a good look at EDHRec, I don't know how I never found that website. I've pretty much been exclusively using Moxfield and just searching cards there which has been painful to say the least. Thanks for the input!

[–] 5 points 3 weeks ago (4 children)

Oh damn, I was under the impression that damage done by a commander abilities counted as commander damage. That definitely lowers the viability of this deck. Bummer!


Sorry if this isn't the right community, and if it isn't hopefully someone can point me in the right direction!

I am looking for some input on an EDH deck I am working on. This is the deck and it revolves around [[Gandalf the Grey]] as the commander. So lots of instants, sorceries, and prowess. Mostly aiming for Gandalf commander damage as the win condition by combining the 3 damage to each player and then putting Gandalf back on the top of the library. I played this for the first time last night and while it has a ton of potential, I definitely feel that things are missing.

Things I am looking for are:

  1. More card draw. This was without a doubt the biggest issue and I'll take any input on how to improve this!
  2. More counters. Less of an issue than card draw, but definitely was struggling against my buddy's Balen/Token deck.
  3. Any sort of board wipe. This was definitely an issue but by the time I could've really used the board wipe, I had fizzled out due to no card draw.

Hopefully folk have some input! I would definitely love to keep this on the cheaper side as this deck so far has cost me $15 for a couple boosters. Most of the deck was inherited from someone in college years ago lol.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

Just built my own frog deck on mtga and having a lot of fun with it. This deck is also fairly cheap if you get rid of the super expensive lands tossed in there. While definitely useful, it's absolutely doable with basic lands.

[–] 11 points 7 months ago

If you go to the account that this account uses for proof, you'll see that the user (byofrog) admitted that they fudged the specs to make them look identical. This is not a one to one comparison

[–] 8 points 7 months ago

Screenrant Article here from a day ago. It does still state that Nintendo intends to investigate, but most of the stolen/copied asset claims have been refuted or rescinded. With the main "they stole assets" person admitting they fabricated the proof because they hate how Palworld glorifies animal abuse (which is extremely ironic to me because no one had a problem when Pokémon was cockfighting for children)

[–] 5 points 11 months ago

What the fuck? Poland, Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, the entirety of the Eastern European Bloc? I can tell you have it in your mind that this is me vs socialism or some weird argument. I'm done engaging with this conversation. Foul smell coming off your comments.

[–] 3 points 11 months ago (2 children)

In my opinion, a joint agreement of boundaries of a soon to be annexed country would be beneficial to both parties.

This is a rough analogy that doesn't touch on many of the intricacies of global politics so bear with me. If you and your neighbor both have a claim to a plot of land between you, and your options are to work together and come to an agreement, or to fight over it, wouldn't it be beneficial to both to make the agreement?

No, at no point were the USSR and Nazis allied. There were no trade agreements, no personnel support, and no treaty outside of the Pact. However, I think it is disingenuous to say that the USSR and Nazi Germany did not militarily benefit each other.

[–] 4 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (4 children)

I think you need to take a breath mate...

Yes, the USSR and Nazi Germany were cooperative during WWII until the Nazis thought they could expand the eastern front. That is just a fact. I'm not saying they were Allied, but they weren't exactly enemies until the Nazi betrayal of said NAP.

I did not bring up the US at any point in my comment, but no I don't believe they were the good guy in this situation either. The civil rights of minorities in the US at the time were appalling and it's no wonder Hitler looked at that and sought to implement it against the "undesirables" in his country

Not all disagreement is hostile or an attack, I was simply providing a correction to the previous statement that the USSR and Nazi Germany did not militarily benefit each other. If you disagree that their agreements did not have military benefits for both sides, then I very much would like to hear that argument. Obviously once Germany expanded the eastern front, there was no cooperation.

[–] 4 points 11 months ago (6 children)

Yes, the USSR and Nazi Germany were definitely working together, not sure what you're talking about here.–Ribbentrop_Pact

[–] 14 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Yeah this is more along the lines of "researcher working with multinational team falls ill in remote cave" more than "dumb american does dumb thing and needs rescue". Man started throwing up blood and fell into a 3 day semiconciousness at which point he needed rescue.

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