Yeah saw that but it feels weak for fulgura
Probably not enough solar for Fulgura, and I don't think that's enough fuel/oziders for all those trusters
My v3 model dumps into the cargo to make a buffer. I suggest adding some condition before you can go to check whoever there's enough ammo to go.
And add solar panels if you're going to Fulgura. I'm at least 50% panel....
You guys are automating ammo? That'll make more sense than shipping 500 a trip from nauvis...
They also accept pulling the power cord out as "oh no" and shutdown for you!
I currently have a sushi belt setup for scrap processing that put all the overflow into a recycler to put it back in the belt. Depending on the setup, it might be easier
The sushi belt must grow then.
Ah yes... The space platform... If you didn't forget to pack enough ammo for the round trip...
Rest in peace, space platform Ometic.
For now I got way too much ice so... Don't worry too much about it.
Those are new achievements, so of course old players don't have those
My dreams are filled with conveyor belts so it's almost there.
And in my mind "CE" is "Clear everything". I'm keeping OP's method