
joined 4 months ago
[–] Rhaedas@fedia.io 6 points 1 week ago

First I was mad, then I was sad.

[–] Rhaedas@fedia.io 6 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

A wizard should know better.

[–] Rhaedas@fedia.io 2 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

I think we can do both, there's absolutely a balance for short and long term effects. We need to get rid of the greenwashing though, profiting on climate change without accomplishing either. And again, we can't fix this, only minimize further damage and prepare for the worst case. But (and I'll use a line I've been hearing from scientists and media and everyone for decades now) we as a global society need to start NOW.

[–] Rhaedas@fedia.io 8 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

You aren't alone. We should try to change everything we possibly can, not because there is a solution, but because it's the right thing to do now that we know we caused it.

Climate change isn't a crisis or a problem, it's a predicament. The difference is that a predicament has no solution, you only live with the consequences. That's what we'll have to do, regardless of if we take action or not. There is no going back nor a "normal" to return to, only the world we've changed and the feedback we've started.

I very rarely see any news on how we'll plan to adapt to a more hostile world. I guess that is too much.

[–] Rhaedas@fedia.io 7 points 3 weeks ago

Correct, because it's a heat mover. Literally it's heating the outside with the inside heat it pulls. All A/C units have a delta change they can manage (difference between inside and outside), the next (or first) step to take is better insulation to require less heat to move at a given time.

[–] Rhaedas@fedia.io 4 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

To a point. Temperature alone isn't the issue, humidity is the factor. We are exothermic creatures and produce internal heat we have to get rid of. If sweating begins to lose effectiveness due to high moisture already in the air, we slowly start to cook ourselves inside and organs begin to fail.

I've lived in the south too, you can absolutely get used to the higher variations after a few years. Except when it starts getting higher than you can biologically cope. Just ask people in countries hotter than the U.S. south who have lived fine with the heat for centuries who are now faced with possible death as things get both hotter and wetter there.

Or just read the first chapter of The Ministry for the Future, it's online.

[–] Rhaedas@fedia.io 28 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

Incorrect. He totally understands the sign. The sign may have encouraged him more.

[–] Rhaedas@fedia.io 14 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Nitrogen oxides are NO and NO2 (which is the cooling gases on the chart.

N2O (nitrous oxide) is a very strong greenhouse gas, third on the list of contributing to warming only because there's so much less of it compared to CO2 and methane.

[–] Rhaedas@fedia.io 15 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

Naming things, whether it be periods in time or species, has always had a lot of disagreement. What this era we are now in is called isn't as important as the fact that we have changed the world so much it is/will leave a clear mark for millions of years to come. I prefer to call the leading transition period as the "fucked around" era, and the one we're now traveling in the "finding/found out" era.

[–] Rhaedas@fedia.io 7 points 3 weeks ago

Jump all over Boeing when it makes sense, but this sounds like a single aircraft or crew issue if it was noted that lots of the same type of plane had been taking off correctly.

[–] Rhaedas@fedia.io 8 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

One of the problems with using AI currently is getting the right prompting to get the results close to what you want. Hell, there's AI for writing prompting. So you either learn some programming by doing it yourself like the AI did, trial and error, or maybe look at the code as the AI builds it and fixes bugs...or learn how to prompt well enough to get results faster. I can't say which is easier, faster, or better, things are changing rapidly.

I will add that having the right LLM for coding helps. One that is trained specifically on programming rather than a general LLM.

[–] Rhaedas@fedia.io 8 points 1 month ago

I think the first episode of SNW will hook you. So good.

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